any Pit Bull owners here?

Girls are definitely more of a handful and have more complex drives and agendas. The boys are a little simpler and easier going.
have a female named Miss mia, My son breed them until he was shipped to peterson, so mama got the last one. would not trade her for anything. she is good with the chickens, and really takes good care of both DH and my self. we live wayyyyyyyyyy back in the woods so summer time, I make sure she is with my greatgranchildren to protect them from snakes. but she also protects DH since he is almost deaf she stays right beside him when he is out side. my black and white angel.she will be 11 years old Dec. 10.
We have a APBT mix (her dad was a purebred, registered APBT). Great dog! She is great with our chickens too! She isn't aggressive at all (she's great with kids, cats, puppies, etc), so when we first got chicks, we would worked with her to teach her that they are part of the pack. She caught on quick and can be with them when they free-range too. Of course, we always keep an eye on her because dogs do have instincts, but she's has always been great with our chickens! She'd protect them before going after them!

Here she is hanging out with the chickens

Her getting snuggly on her bed on a cold winter morning!
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I saddly dont have a pit right now, I lost my boy on my anniversary. We were happy he passed in his sleep but still had our hearts in a mess. He was a rescue and wad a total lover. He moved in with us around age 3 is what was the guess was. He kept a watchful eye on all the critters we have. He was soo cute with the crias (baby alpacas) he would softly nussle momma as she gave birth, then when the baby got there he would wiggle and whine wile momma cleaned the baby and we all awaited for the cria to stand. He was great with my chickens and as soon as we had my crib midget stopped sleeping in my room and took up his new place infront of the c.m.'s door. We used to freak people out when they came to visit as he would fallow the momma hens with her chicks all over head down "tracking" them. He never did them any harm he was just watching to make sure they were okay. Here is a pic when we were picking up the boys from grandmas after a trip to SC. We will have another just havent found the right one yet....

WOW! He was a very handsome boy
Never gets any easier either
Thanks for the pic.

*Jumps up and down and waves hands wildly* Me, me, me, me!! I have a rescue also-a blue nosed pitbull male. His name is Gunner and the sweetest thing ever! I had always wanted a pitbull and one day I marched over the local SPCA and there he was, not really, I wanted the one next to him but there was a 3 day hold for the owners to claim it. Gorgeous little booger he was, a red and white and verrrrry stocky-those are my favorite kind, the short, stocky pits. The woman told me that the one next to it was ready to go though and Gunner turned around looked at me with those gorgeous grey eyes and I was a goner! He is tall and lanky, kinda like Rachael Ray's Isaboo, and did I mention he's a sweetie? lol
I have a PitBull and my mom responded the same way. She was scared of him when he was a little puppy. She has since learned that he is the biggest baby and would never hurt anyone. He is about 2 years old and he is the sweetest dog I have ever had. He lets my 3 kids, ages 1,3 and 4 love on him and climb all over him and has never shown aggression. As far as the chickens go, I just got them and I think that he would love nothing more than to give them a good chase! That being said, we just go the chickens about 2 months ago so that really makes a difference. I think dogs are dogs but if yours is raised around your chickens you shouldn't have any problems.
thanks for all the responses! Aktomboy, that is a beautiful picture and he was a very handsome boy! He sounds like a true one of a kind dog, and I am so sorry he is not with you anymore. Thank you for sharing your story!

I can't wait to get my girl!! I think I will name her Oakley. I have been wanting a Pit for SO long... I am so excited!!

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