
7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Schuylkill County , Pennsylvania

Good Gentles! I bring greetings from the Kingdom of the East! My name is Lord Jakob Agnarsson and I hail from the shire of Hartshorn-dale where I partake in fencing, arts & sciences, and suffer from a chronic case of helium hand! I was wondering if there were any other Scadians besides myself on this lovely forum. If anyone is out there, please by all means introduce yourself and let us know what kingdom and group you're from!

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For those that haven't the slightest clue what I'm talking about, I'm asking if anyone who is also a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is here. The SCA is an educational non-profit hobbyist group dedicated to lifelong learning about Medieval history and we have in-person events while dressed in garb. It's a lot of fun and if anyone wants to know more you can go here:
Wow, very interesting! I'm a bit of a history buff and am very curious about medieval life and culture. I had absolutely no idea these groups exist and are as active as they are! Apparently, I live in the area of the "Barony of the Forgotten Sea", within the "Kingdom of Calontir". And one of the SCA's big annual events will be taking place within 40 miles of my home, for nine days in June - The "War of the Lillies". I'm pretty stoked to see they'll be open to the public for tours on one of the days. I plan to attend! Thanks for posting this.
Wow, very interesting! I'm a bit of a history buff and am very curious about medieval life and culture. I had absolutely no idea these groups exist and are as active as they are! Apparently, I live in the area of the "Barony of the Forgotten Sea", within the "Kingdom of Calontir". And one of the SCA's big annual events will be taking place within 40 miles of my home, for nine days in June - The "War of the Lillies". I'm pretty stoked to see they'll be open to the public for tours on one of the days. I plan to attend! Thanks for posting this.
You're very welcome! I would strongly suggest that you email your local group's Chatelaine, that's a fancy term for newcomer officer. They'll help you get acclimated within your local group and educate you further about the SCA!
You're very welcome! I would strongly suggest that you email your local group's Chatelaine, that's a fancy term for newcomer officer. They'll help you get acclimated within your local group and educate you further about the SCA!
I might do that! Not sure I want to get involved, but I'm curious anyway to see the gathering in June. It appears to be more realistic than our city's annual Rennaissance Festival, and NOT commercialized thank goodness --- since it appears to exist for the benefit of the members only, and not for profit or for the public.
Not active but I've been involved in and around Atenveldt for a long time. Live in Barony Twin Moons, but I learned how to fence long ago in the Barony of Ered Sul. Also used to know pretty much all of Shire Burning Sands, but that was long, long ago.

I do own a hat with feathers and a raiper still... :p
I might do that! Not sure I want to get involved, but I'm curious anyway to see the gathering in June. It appears to be more realistic than our city's annual Rennaissance Festival, and NOT commercialized thank goodness --- since it appears to exist for the benefit of the members only, and not for profit or for the public.
That is exactly how our entire organization works so you're on the right track already! When we do things for the public it's usually demos, where we go out and educate people on different aspects of Medieval life, and also try to recruit new members. I will say absolutely go! Have fun! See what they have! And don't be afraid to dip your toe in, you don't have to dive in completely, the beautiful thing about the SCA is that you can play however you want on your own terms. Meaning you can get involved as little or as much as you'd like.
Not active but I've been involved in and around Atenveldt for a long time. Live in Barony Twin Moons, but I learned how to fence long ago in the Barony of Ered Sul. Also used to know pretty much all of Shire Burning Sands, but that was long, long ago.

I do own a hat with feathers and a raiper still... :p
Aha! Another fencer! Hello! Hey, you have the hat and the rapier, that's what counts! Any chance you might get back into the game at some point?
Aha! Another fencer! Hello! Hey, you have the hat and the rapier, that's what counts! Any chance you might get back into the game at some point?
I enjoyed those days, but it has been many years and many pounds since I raised a blade. My weapons now are well-timed quips, and a good DSLR. :)
That is exactly how our entire organization works so you're on the right track already! When we do things for the public it's usually demos, where we go out and educate people on different aspects of Medieval life, and also try to recruit new members. I will say absolutely go! Have fun! See what they have! And don't be afraid to dip your toe in, you don't have to dive in completely, the beautiful thing about the SCA is that you can play however you want on your own terms. Meaning you can get involved as little or as much as you'd like.
You forgot the mead. Some of the best homebrewers I ever met were in the SCA.

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