Any tips on getting UNPREGNANT?!

Im with Mahonri that is what I did with both of mine that night on my 2nd one my water broke. also the dr. says its good to do it that way cause well pm me and I will tell you why. also though on my 2nd one that morning I had a stress test done on dd they made me set in the chair and do the nipple stimulation thingy I was 3 weeks over due. had dd the next day.
well, for my son- I had just bought my very first pair of maternity shorts- and sat with my legs in the sun all day. Total sunburned elephant legs. My son was born twelve hours later, and two months early.

Second child was three weeks late- I was so tired of hearing, "You havent had that baby yet?" (Why yes I have, I just look like I swallowed a watermelon...), I even fell down a flight of stairs- not intentionally, and that didnt put me in labor. What finally made it happen was- we had the first HUGE snowstorm/blizzard of the year, and driving was treacherous- warnings not to go out unless you have to. Strong labor is a good reason to go out.

Third child was born on my due date and she came in like a whirlwind. I woke up, water had broke. I looked at my husband, pointed to my soaked sweatpants and said, "I didnt do THIS"...hahahaha..she was born three hours early.

Hang in there- the baby will come when it comes. I can sympathize with the OMGIMSOPREGNANT I CANT MOVE ANYMORE stage.
two weeks "overdue" and hiking up the trail to Amicolola Falls and down again DIDN'T do it...although it sure freaked out every other person on that busy Saturday. doc decided to induce more than a week after that.

But if you need to get a good heart beat reading and can't, DH was more than happy to blow raspberries on one side or the other of the belly to get the bugger to shift so the heart rate could be taken. He did this every doc visit the last 3 months. It did save some problems at the hospital, when med people weren't happy about the faint heartbeat. It is, of course, very annoying!
I think the best thing I can do is to tempt fate. Drive the 30 miles to the grocery, putz around all day 40 miles from my hospital and see if something doesnt happen. lol. We just had a snow storm and the roads are crappy. Nothing says "come on labor I dare you!" like driving on yucky roads 40 miles alone in the opposite direction of the hospital...

Just relax and enjoy the last few days of getting sleep whenever you want!

I was early with my son, and then had to wait till the exact day for my daughter.............. those last two weeks were very very long.

Take the time to sleep in, take naps get someone to massage your feet or neck - take long soaks in a tub to relax, have someone paint your belly or make a plaster cast of it and paint that,.. enjoy yourself !
Been so long that I read up on natural labor indection methods,but I recall something about semen ripenning the cervix. I loved pregnancy,but really hated the labor.I just waited even though I knew there was no avoiding it.
Castor oil leads to some pretty messy deliveries.

I feel your pain. My first was 10 days overdue in August. Ugh.

None of the home remedies worked for me; my doctor induced me twice. First came in 12 hours, my second came in about 6.

Best wishes for a VERY short end of pregnancy and a speedy delivery!
OK here is this first thing,
The way to get UNPREGNANT is to have the baby cause none of these work for real it just happened to be by shear chance when these woman did it because it was time.

When the baby is ready the baby will come on it's own think about it this way for 9 months you carried the child around no matter what you did it did not make you go into labor right..So when the baby says I want out it's getting to cramped in here well it will be your time just like a pip they don't come out early they wait till they are ready right well same thing..

Congratz to you and your DH I'm happy for you but I must warn you do not let a day go by that you don't say I love you to them and be sure to enjoy every chance you have with them for they grow up so fast and time seems to fly by (Father of five Grandfather of two stepfather to 4 Step grandfather to 3)
With my second and third, I had to take it very easy, I kept contracting and dilating early on, like at 3 months. I was on bed rest with my feet up. The only exercise I got was hand to mouth, ya know eating. lol
Then when I hit 38 weeks, doc said, ok get up and I'll probably see ya tonite.
Guess what, I went for walks, I cleaned, I vacuumed, more walks, with my 3rd, I even built a horse corral when I was 8 days overdue, no luck.
Yes, they come when they are ready.
With my first, contractions started at 7 months, well, they are called braxin hicks or however you spell that. I finally had to get off work, I was doing a lot of heavy lifting still, on my feet all day, my ankles were swelling and my feet hurt, but I was still 4 days past due date. 2nd 3 days past, 3rd, 10 days past.
My labors, firs 3 hours, 2nd, 4 hours, 3rd, 1 hour 20 minutes. That last one barely gave me time to wake up the neighbors at 3am, take the other two over there, drive 15 miles to town. I went straight through those doors to delivery and had him 20 mins after I got there, dr barely made it in time! He knew I had fast labors, so he knew to jam to hosp as soon as they said it was me there. lol
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