Anybody else live for Fridays?

Oh lordy, this seems to have been a long week for me, too. Particularly since my home Internet access is kaput. Have to wait until this coming Monday for the tech to return with new equipment. (I have satellite 'Net access, because I'm one-freakin-thousand feet from the closest copper or fiber drop!!!) So I will have to go to Starbucks with my ancient laptop to get onto the 'Net this weekend. Uhhh, yes, I'm at work .... being bad.

Today is a co-worker's birthday. At least it breaks up the day, which is dragging. He's planning on heading up to (wherever it's happening) for The Burning Man week-long shindig NEXT weekend for a full week. This is his 11th year of attendance. We all just took him to a two-hour lunch. So... only 4 hours left of this day.

Today is also our receptionist's last day; she's promoting to another Division and Section. Another co-worker is promoting at the end of the month to another Department. I will miss both of them very much - both nice gals.
I love my job but I have chicks in the brooder at home!

So, this weekend, with no 'net access, I'm gonna start rearranging the jumbled mess of all my sister's personal property and furniture which I inherited when she died last October. I had it all moved to my house. I walk around stuff, some in boxes stacked this high, some just stacked. It's been long enough that I think I can tackle some of the big stuff, like move out the old crap I use as storage and put up the two big wall bookcases there, instead. I've been going through little things all this time... finally got to her jewelry box last weekend. This has been tough.

I get a 3 day weekend, too, with Monday off. So maybe I'll make a dent in the Rearrange Furniture & Stacks o' Carlanne's Stuff project.
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Friday is the BEST day of the week~~it's when my husband comes home. I'm retired to I stay at our home in Bat Cave ALL the time. Unfortunately, he won't retire yet, so he's in Charlotte all week

As for what to do~~whatever makes him happy

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