AnyBody else set to hatch this weekend?

I checked the bator when I got up at 5, then made a pot of coffee, and when I went back and looked again, 1 had hatched!!!! Didn't even see a crack in the egg when I looked the first time. Seven more to go, they are due tomorrow, and I am really expecting only 6 and a stinky. I hope I figure out who it is before it explodes.

First chick I have hatched in about 30 years. Now I am worried I won't be able to stop lol;)

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD! (If it's a girl we're gonna have issues- Brad is the name of the guy that gave me the hatching eggs, and I figured I would name the firstborn after him lol)
Ummmm anyone know how long I should wait before I touch him? I really want to hold the little guy but I do not wan to hurt him....

waiting.....not very patiently....but waiting
is he dry?
i usually wait until they are ALL hatched before i take any out, unless of course one is a few days early like my little Noodle here. he's a button quail, 2 days early. happy and loud!

Edit: 30 years? wow, i'm 19 and i've been hatching eggs since i was really young, or at least helping my mom out with it. now it's all up to me and she doesn't do anything but watch and take pictures.
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He is not quite dry yet. He also wasn't supposed to be here till tomorrow night or Mon morning.....

I still can't beleive he has already hatched out lol

Oh yeah, the last time I hatched anything I was 10 and my Dad borrowed the neighbor's incubator..... it felt kinda funny figuring out how long it had been. I suddenly feel quite old
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Three banatm Buttercups were due today but 2 decided to come out early.

Still have one to go he is working hard on tapping on the shell but not pipped yet. Hope to have a picture of the trio by this evening.
heey! i have that same thermometer! lol

also i would wait until tomorrow to take him out just to be safe. it's easy for them to get chilled and they are quite fragile when they've just hatched. they are still absorbing the yolk and what-not. also his chirping might encourage the others to hatch? idk if thats superstition or not.

willshow a pic in a moment!
Congratz all on their hatches. Mine were are also hatching as we speak. Early here also. Started yesterday. I wonder!!!!! I know a lot of peoples chicks are hatching early right now. I have 19 doz going with a staggered hatch, 7 doz due today and the rest if they go 21 days should start hatching Monday evening.
Brad hatching. He (She?!?) isn't quite dry yet but I will wait until tomorrow to handle him. What does he look like to you? He came from a mixed breed flock that had a pure Amercauna roo and a Red roo, along with BLW fem, amer. cross fem, and other various breeds.



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