Anybody ever knock a rooster out???

I have a RIR and he doens't bother us at all. He will walk right up to us or us to him and nothing. We did have a silver laced Wydonette that was meaner than a snake. He never bothered me though. I wouldn't give him a chance. He would go after my husband and 7 year old grandson but not me. Probably becuae when I was informed he was attacking I carred an ax handle in the coop with me. I could see the meanness in his eyes. He wated to go after me but was mor afraid of that big stick I carried.

He went after my grandson for the last time.

FYI A BB to the head will kill a rooster.

We had fried chicken for supper.
We have a roo who is so mean that he is now in confinement till we call build him a new area were he cant get out. Hubby was building the new nesting boxes for the ladies the roo was in the yard alone ladies locked in barn. He came across the yard at a full run and jumped on hubby. My DH is 6ft 2 not small by any means hubby gave him a light boot to back him up he still came after him and would not bk dwn. After a hard boot he ran the other way I was sure DH was going to kill him with his boot to the roo. But not 2 Min's later he was right bk at hubby. One day my dd went to collect eggs after about 20 Min's I became worried she usually returns with a basket full of eggs in about 5 to 10 Min's. I went out to the yard called her name no answer went to the barn called her name heard this little voice say mommy I am in the duck pen. I thought OK why is she being quite? I carefully made my way around to her not sure what I would find we have lrg wild animals in our area. There she was curled up in a ball in the far corner with the roo outside the pin she was terrified he had chased her in there. The final straw was one day while collecting eggs he cornered me in the barn jumped my leg and took his beak into my upper thigh. That was it it was him or me i took a shovel and took off after him whacked him upside the head it made him stagger bk but he still kept coming. So I sent in my secret weapon my jack Russell I gave him the go ahead said Bentley get that roo for mommy. He took off after him round and round the yard. He got him cornered told him hold him for me. He did just that he did not bite him just held him dwn with his paw. I then graped him by the feet and still while upside dwn he was trying to get me so i pulled one of his tail feathers out he finally got the message he is now penned up. As you can see from the picture he is a looker but very mean.


I knocked out a Barred Rock with feed cans (2 pound coffee cans). He was really bad to spur and to fly up in my face. I hit him with the cans until he passed out. He woke up a changed bird, never attacked anyone again.
That is just funny - A cow WOW

actualy you can kill a cow with one lick of a pipe in the right spot.
Slapping bottle size calf once in the wrong spot can kill her.

at the same time, family member next door was pinned to a wall, and lifted off the ground by a bull. He grabed the closed thing he could,a pair of cinderblocks... and smashed over the 1700 lb bull over the head, all the time the hired helpers tried to stop the animal buy hitting the bull with sticks and things.

After you've worked with big animals.. a ticked off roo isn't quite so bad.
This makes me love my Light Brahma even more. I did have a BO roo had to give away because he was mean and he fought with the LB roo. He's a lover not a fighter. He has fertilized all my hens eggs.

Ya'll just need a LB rooster

Here's my dd holding him, he's laying on her

my RIR roo just sticks to my legs and has broken skin thru jeans several times. The best was when I wacked him in the head with the bag of lettuce I happened to have in my hand. It was like a cartoon, he backed up, shook his head, looked at me and walked the other way.

Just today I booted him several feet and he went the other way. I dont mind usually, I need to get serious again Ive been too busy to keep up on rooster training. My 6 year old just knows to steer clear of him. Hes a rooster, if he wasnt a little aggressive he wouldnt do his job. Last weekend my mom was visiting with her dog, a cocker, the dog went just within a few yards of the run and the rooster flew out of the run, thru the netting somehow and ran after the dog. Just proved to me how he is around unfamiliar people and animals.
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