Anybody had this happen?

hmm, that makes me wonder... mine is a pulse and i have gotten away with crawling through it and touching in-between pulses and not getting shocked, granted that when it does bite, it BITES
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Don't have children

It's never hurt any cattle, dogs, or myself (trust me I have uh, "tested" it a lot) - those of us with more muscle mass tend to get a shock that goes right down the leg into the ground and the rest of our muscles are free to react (jump back. again speaking from experience here)

Obviously, if you had children around (yours or neighbors) you might want to consider a different kind of fence.
Just the reason I got the lowest voltage and for the record ,six, count em six toddlers have grabbed that wire( when I wasnt around) and three of them my nieces. Yes I have signs and these were when i first got it. but I heard they all were able to Easily let it go Thank God
Just the reason I got the lowest voltage and for the record ,six, count em six toddlers have grabbed that wire( when I wasnt around) and three of them my nieces. Yes I have signs and these were when i first got it. but I heard they all were able to Easily let it go Thank God

I guess babies are hardwired NOT to grab things with both hands the first time they touch something.

Wow- thanks for letting me know...
Exactly. My dog would rub right on the pulse kind and not get shocked, hence me switching to the continuous fence. Now she's convinced that ANY wire is potentially hot ALL.THE.TIME.

We actually haven't used the e-fence in over a year, but I'm thinking about setting it back up again. The neighbors got a new puppy, and somehow this leads to a LOT of aggressive barking from the neighbor's Boxer mix towards my dogs at the fence line which is right behind my bedroom wall. My dogs just stand there going "what tha???" they don't bark back or anything, but the Boxer just won't shut up! Thinking if I keep my dogs away from the fence line, maybe I can sleep in again.
Long story short I feel very very safe with children and this type of fence, now I dont reccomend takin the younguns out for electric fence grabbing but yes this is the fence I would choose for unsupervised kids.(you know that just dont SOUND right though
Oh and Im told one DID grab it with both hands (let go real quick too!)
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Shawn that reminded me of when I had an opossum do that. Never would have thought it would do that to one that big. But he was apparently chewing threw the chicken wire, (there was a hole started) and got him a mouth full of hot wire.....that's right where I FOUND HIM.
His muscles wouldnt let his mouth release and it apparently just FRIED him....all I could say was GOOD.

I have also have numerous oak snakes (rat snakes to some) get on them. trying to get in to get eggs.
When they touch it, they curls right up around it. it'll actually burn small ones in half LOL (I GOT THE ONES THAT "CLIP"WEEDS) Obviously they clip snakes too......
Its so true Aubrey
I wished I had had " hot wire" for years. Since I put it up around my big pen nothing has entered. Im putting one around my treeduck pen tommorrow even though Ive never had a problem. I always keep a live trap out and every once in awhile catch a coon or possum. And I always keep about 6 rat traps out and rarely get one. But when I first started puttin them out lets just say I could have made a good living as a trapper but last I checked the price of rats and possum pelts were down.

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