Anybody hatching on Jan 9th?

Well, my eggs were set last Sat. I candled tonight since we'll be out of town for a few days (thank goodness for automatic turners) due to work. Of the 45 we set there are 5-6 that are questionable. The rest look pretty good! I have several brown eggs in there and they are so hard to candle. I can see a "blob" of cells but no blood vessels because the eggs are so dark. The tinted and white eggs you can see lots of vessels in but the brown ones...who knows at this point. I am picking up some BCM eggs from a friend on my return trip home so I'm kinda hoping a few more of these won't make it to day 14 so I can replace them with the new ones. If they are all looking good I might have to break out the bator w/o the turner but that is tough on my schedule since I am out of town one week a month for work. Might have to take the bator with me in the car LOL!

Overall I am pretty happy with what I saw today. I have 30 hens and only two roosters so I didn't expect that many eggs to be fertile. There were a few more roosters but they were culled for attitude problems. I am picking up two nice ones next week when I get the eggs. Hopefully we'll have some nice purebred BCM and Ameraucanas soon.

Do you guys sell your excess chicks? What do you do with all the chicks you hatch out? I mean, there is no way I could feed and house all of them even if I only hatched out ten a month. I'm thinking I could sell some now that I am incubating and help pay the chicken feed bill.
very rarely can I sell a roo:-( unless its a silkie-. I have 4 chicks spoken for at 8 weeks of age and I get 12$ a piece. I ask for this price because of the feed adn heating bill from having to keep extra heat on during the winter months. Im hoping to sell alot more-If not Ill process roos and sell off the rest during early Spring-its usually not a problem near me since I think Im about the only one who has chickens for like 100 mile radius-I mean specialty breeds-frizzles-silkies-polish etc...the Bo's and RIR's are common .
I candled tonight. I couldn't see too much in the some of the welsummer eggs, but they weren't clear. Like last time, I couldn't see anything at all in the blue eggs. They don't look clear, so like last time I marked them with a ?, and will check again. One of my blue eggs hatched last time, and I couldn't see anything at all whenever I candled. RIR eggs look good, and my BCM eggs looked ok too.

Hopefully, I'll get more to hatch then last time. All of them developed last time, but some of my eggs quit during the last three days.

Hi everyone,
I finally got the nerve to candle mine when the kids said they were gonna go do it if I didn't. Been dreading it lol. All of them look like there is something in them except for one, which is questionable. I have dark marans eggs and blue eggs so they are sort of hard to see through. One of the marans eggs is sort of longer than the others and lighter colored and a little odd shaped. DH and the kids think they can see something in that one~ I couldn't though... I think they are just saying that to make me feel better
I will check them again at day 14 or so. Glad everyone elses are doing good so far. I am trying the dry hatch method so my humidity is around 38-40 and temps staying around 100 on forced air.
I picked up another LG incubator today to use for a hatcher since I ordered some black copper maran eggs that will come tomorrow or the next day.

griffin45, That is a good idea on the cement board in the incubator. So did you use it as a lining for a wood incubator? I am thinking of making a bigger one this spring and am looking for ideas. On what day do you candle quail eggs? You have a nice website.
Yesterday i candled mine, all are moving around inside and look great! and the eggs i just put in that are due January 13 look good too and i could see the chicks heart beating in some of them!!!
I just hope i have better luck this time because lately everytime i try to hatch chicks they all die
No candling for me. Quail eggs are much to small. I very seldom candle chicken eggs until the very end, but we always put in the freshest eggs. I used 1/4" cement board to line 5/8" plywood. I use 2 - 60 watt ceiling fan bulbs, a GQF wafer thermostat and a LG egg turner. I used the dementions of the egg turner for the for the box size. It works well. I just skimped to much on the windows. I used 1/8" plexi when I should have used at least 1/4". I figure that I can build on the sportsman scale now. I think I am going to add styrofoam insulation between the plywood and cement board next time. If I ever have time!

Candled last night with the towel warmer
I just candled 4 , one looked clear two looked good but one and only porcelain d'uccle looked like a dark ring so. I did put them all back. Nothing smelled bad. The air sacks looked small. Added a little water with oxine in it just to see if the tube thing worked, worked good and it only went up 1%. Holding at 99.5/100 31%.

Still don't know if I'm going to give my broody hens chicks or not.
Im on day 12, I have been candeling every day. Im so excited to be able to see my babies grow. Im not sure if they are or not.

There is a mass inside, im not sure if its a chick or just the yolk. The mass is not a round shodow. Its more long. Nothing is moving in there. I havent got a proper candler. Im useing a flash light. The eggs are not smelling and have not exploded. Is every thing ok? am I worring over nothing?

Iam carring on with incubating them just in case. I got the eggs from ebay so im not sure on the quality of the eggs to start off with.

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