Anybody hatching on Jan 9th?

We candled ours last night. ( Day 8 ) and all had movement inside.
The blues eggs were the hardest to see, but at least we saw something moving.

Here is a video of me candling some of my eggs from day 9 to today (day 11)
Day 11:
Day 10:
Day 9:
Day 11 i am candling a standard brown chicken egg, day 10 i am candling a bantam egg and day 9 i am candling a blue/green egg.
I've got 18 eggs in my homemade bator. They came from 4 Dominiques and 1 RIR with a Dominique rooster. Wonder what the RIR & dominique cross will look like? I candled last night and all 18 looked great! Can't wait 'til the 9th!!
Just got home from our trip and "had" to candle a few eggs to see how they are doing. I'll do all of them tomorrow after a bit of sleep, but the ones I looked at tonight are all growing!!! Tonight is the first time I got to see a bunch of movement in the eggs. It's day 11 and of the 11-12 I candled I was able to see mvmt in all but one. That one is a brown egg so I'm not sure if it's just sleeping, dead, or wahat but I'll check it again tomorrow and hopefully it'll have enough growth to make it a keeper.

I picked up the most handsome, gentle set of roos from a friends house, and she offered me 36 more eggs to hatch out from her flock. She has some beautiful birds so I was thrilled to get some eggs from her BCMs. Hmmm, now I need another incubator. LOL! Gotta go get one tomorrow if all the current eggs look as good as the ones I candled tonight. Good thing I added another coop...this really is addicting.
This video was very helpful. Thankyou. My eggs will be on day 13 by 3pm today. There are no veins so far. And no movement. Some of the air sacks look to large too. So I am not very hopefull at this point. Im not giving up on them just yet, I will keep on going. Although I am looking into buying day old chicks. I cant go through this again. I dont know if they were fertilized or if they just died.
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I am due in 2 days... waiting... I am going to go check out the group in a few minutes because it is 29 degrees out!!!

However, we had one early birth... my husband's best friend and his wife just gave birth to their little girl who is 6lb 7oz and 3 weeks early! Hooray for them!

yes Id add some water-try and get the water to be the same temp as what in the bator so it doesnt fluctuate that much....

Ill candle mine tonight to see whats up in those eggs!!!
We candled ours last night. All seem to be going well. We still can't see much in the blue eggs, but they aren't clear. Last time my egg was the first to hatch, so I'm not worried about that.

It's day 12 so not too much longer to go.


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