Anybody hatching on Jan 9th?

all these people with new chicks and only i other person posted a pic, come on people post up lol, good luck everyone on all your eggs and new chickies
I will try and post pics tomorrow! (i did post a vid tho!) Today i managed to take a few and they wherent very good so tomorrow or later on tonight i will try and take some more.

Is it bad that i helped out 4 chickies in this hatch because i thought they where goona die? lol I couldnt stand it and after finding 3 dead from drowning (im just guessing) while zipping i had to take action. they are all healthy though and i really dont see why peopel are against helping chisk out as i had no problems with it at all.
its fine if you help them out and they are all doing ok, its just when people try to help the chicks out before they are ready to come out, like if their yok sack isnt fully soacked in
I would just have to say that try to do as little as possible. Every situation is different.
Watch out for crooked toes and under development?
Sometimes you have to do....what you have to do.
thank you thank you there will be pleanty more later, that is afte ri get off in another 2 1/2 hours get home and take pics then upload them lol, the chicks keep comming i went to sleep this morning at 1 with no chicks only 3 small pips, then i woke up at 5 and had 1 chicks, fell back asleep at like 7:30 woke back up at 10 and had 3 chicks, left to jack in the box came back and had 4 chicks, left for work at 1:30 and had 8 chicks at this time, now i am up to atleast 14 and counting, and i still got the 2 1/2 hours to go lol, i cant sit still
2 yellow/ 3 black chicks, 1 pip, 3 quiet

I guess I shouldn't be upset with the 3 loafers they aren't even due until 9am tomorrow.

Everybody else is early.
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