Anybody have a cure for cracked heels?


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Lakeport, Ca.
So it's gotten to that time of year here in California. It's in the 80's and 90's so that means the sandals are coming out, but that also means dry cracked heels. Already I have a crack so deep it hurts to walk, and is starting to bleed
. I use one of those heel sander thingies
, but was wondering if any of you wonderful BYCers had any remedies that worked well to stop heel cracks.

Thanks in Advance!
Here's a couple of things that usually work for me. First, before bed, soak your feet in warm water with a handful of oatmeal thrown in it. Then, while your feet are still a bit damp, cover the dry spots with vaseline or Bag Balm and put on socks. In the morning, your feet should be a lot better.

The other thing I have to do sometimes (on my fingers too) is cover the dry spots with Desitin diaper rash ointment and a bandage. That's the only way I can get the cracks in my fingertips healed sometimes. It's stinky but it works.

Hope this helps you.

I usually put a minimal amount of neosporin in the crack and then tape it over.

Take if from a dude in DRY AZ. It works.... got a piece on my right heel at present.

ALSO... if you can get it at the feed store... on Sat. evenings you can rip the Duct tape off, put some BAG BALM on your foot and then put on socks that you don't mind getting a little greasy. In the morning after your shower your feet will be ready for Sunday socks... Serious!
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There is a product called Corn Huskers Lotion that works as well as Bag Balm also.

My ex was a lineman and had to wear heavy plastic gloves to handle hot wire here in Fla. The sweat would cause his hands and fingers to crack and bleed.

He would coat his hands with Corn Huskers Lotion and put socks on them to sleep at night. Next day they would be practically healed.
Over the years I have found what works best is......

Don't go barefooted.

Wear socks and shoes rather than sandals. At least until your cracks are all gone.. then you can wear sandals for a few hours once and a while.

If you expose your heels for long amounts of time to the elements, they will get dried out and crack.

I can ruin my heels with just a few days of wearing nothing but sandals.

Soaking your feet in warm water then putting any good skin lotion on your feet at night and wearing sox to bed for a week or so should help them heal.
HM? I usually go the neosporin and bandaid route....and the bandaid eventually falls off....I guess I'll have to get the ole duct tape out..Great idea.... thats what we use on the horses also...

I also soak my feet and really clean them up and then apply the neosporin on the cracks and NOW duct tape and then slap on foot cream and socks and I wear them to bed....
My mom puts superglue in the crack. Yep, you heard me. Superglue. It grosses me out but she's always like "It works!" and then she just puts toilet paper on top. She's tried everything else but I guess this is what works best.

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