Anybody have any ideas for chicken entertainment?

I knew a blacksmith when I was a kid who would amuse the kids with catching horseflies and plucking a single strand of tail hair from a horse. He would then then tie a leash around the horsefly and then tie the other end to us kids. Would keep us amused for a while with it flying around in a circle on its leash. I bet that would amuse chickens trying to catch something like that.

I collected about ten of these big nasties today off of our horses, and just ripped a wing off so they couldn't fly off. they hardly had a chance to hit the ground inside of the tractor.

I knew a blacksmith when I was a kid who would amuse the kids with catching horseflies and plucking a single strand of tail hair from a horse. He would then then tie a leash around the horsefly and then tie the other end to us kids. Would keep us amused for a while with it flying around in a circle on its leash. I bet that would amuse chickens trying to catch something like that.

I collected about ten of these big nasties today off of our horses, and just ripped a wing off so they couldn't fly off. they hardly had a chance to hit the ground inside of the tractor.

Those flies are nasty but tasty for the chickens
That they are. Its almost kinda funny when the horses realize we're out there and they start crying to us to come save them from those buggers.
I got 2 of them off of one of my horses with 1 smack yesterday... That horse has the thickest mane I've ever seen and both flies were trying to bite him through his mane.... dumb bugs... so I smacked them silly and stomped them since I don't have anything that will eat them...
We have one Ameraucana that's afraid of Japanese Beetles and runs from them but we have a little Silkie that does the "Whirling Dervish" in one place chasing one of those crazy bugs! She's the only one fast enough to catch one and boy does she enjoy her feast!
I got 2 of them off of one of my horses with 1 smack yesterday... That horse has the thickest mane I've ever seen and both flies were trying to bite him through his mane.... dumb bugs... so I smacked them silly and stomped them since I don't have anything that will eat them...
Pity, I'm sure they would have enjoyed watching them get turned into lunch.

And I feel sorry for the horses out there that don't have people out there that will come up and smack horseflies off of them.
I dumped a big armload of weeds into the coop yesterday morning, and then sprinkled some dried mealworms on to the weeds and shook the weeds to drive them into the weeds a little. They had a wonderful day of tearing through those weeds looking for them.
wow kabotafoot my unckles chickies are so so so easy to get back in the coop just let our dog lulu out i know it sounds cruel but she would'nt hurt a fly she is a sheltie she has not been trained for herding but she herds them perfectly back into the coop and does not hurt a bird and you do not even have to tell her anything its so cool
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wow kabotafoot my unckles chickies are so so so easy to get back in the coop just let our dog lulu out i know it sounds cruel but she would'nt hurt a fly she is a sheltie she has not been trained for herding but she herds them perfectly back into the coop and does not hurt a bird and you do not even have to tell her anything its so cool

Shelties are a natural herding instinct breed whether it's sheep or poultry doesn't matter as long as it's herding something! I had a Rottweilter which are instinctively cattle herders and he loved herding ME!

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