Anybody have chicks shipping Monday August 27?


7 Years
Jul 13, 2012
Unionville, VA (Orange County)
Just curious if anybody has a shipment coming next week and wants to wait it out together, I'm so excited, but I actually hope they don't arrive until Wednesday I have to be in the office 90 miles away all day Tuesday and I want to be here when they first arrive instead of leaving it all up to my hubby & kids to get them settled.

I have 7 days olds coming, supposed to be all pullets, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Buff Orpington, and a suprise 5 pack of Large Fowl Rare breed, so I don't know what I'll get in that.
So I remembered how much I hated brooding my first chicks in a plastic tub, and, well, this happened today:


Please excuse the clutter in the background - it's all stuff that got moved around to make room for my homemade incubator, which you can see in the background a little too. I'm really liking this thing - so much better than a plastic tub, and plenty of room for the two chicks I'm keeping. I'm pretty proud of it :p
Cute chicks Diana, I JUST got the call from the Post Offic, they just arrivd on the afternoon truck, my husband and daughters are going to pick them up. I decided to work from home today and will sacrifice by going in on Friday instead, lol. Can't wait they should be back in just a few minutes.
I just got back from the post office with my chicks. I was told tat they would be here by 12:00 but I got the call around 2:30...But who really cares? They are all healthy and eating. One seems to be a little droopier than the others but im sure he will be fine.

I got a call from the post office on the way to work and turned around and picked our girls up. The were chirping like crazy on the way home. As soon as I got them in the brooder they huddled under the heat lamp. Both of the White Rocks started exploring while the others stayed huddled together for a while. They're all eating and drinking well and seem to be doing fine. I need to buy a thermometer though to check the temp under the lamp.
I have 28 (14 breeds, 2 each) that are due to ship on Monday! Can't do anything small scale... ;)

They'll be my first chickens since I was a kid. I've been reading everything on this site over the past months!

The brooder is built and tomorrow I'll be getting the shavings in it and getting everything prepped for whichever day they arrive.

Mine are coming from Meyer Hatchery.
Mine are coming from My Pet Chicken. This will be my second batch of chicks, but my first were 2.5 weeks old, so I've never done newly hatched before and a little nervous about them being so vulnerable being I lost 3 of my orignal chicks even with them being older.

I'm getting the brooder set up today, need to take the next couple of days to experiment with the heat lamp. Although I used it with my 2.5 week olds, it wasn't quite as crucial as they were older and the temperatures were high's in the 100's lows in the 70's to 80's at that time. Now that the little ones are coming its 80's during the day and 60's at night. I keep the brooder in my garage.

Everybody be sure to post pics when your new littles arrive!
We ordered from Meyer as well and they should be shipping Monday. Pretty excited. Ordered 2 Australorp, 2 Golden Buff, and 2 White Rock. I have everything for the brooder I just need to set it up. I've been working on the coop for the past couple of weeks and it's getting... well... out of hand. The neighborhood we live in (Rocky Ripple, IN) has a bunch of coops so they're plenty of people I can talk to for advice, which is nice.

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