Anybody have chicks shipping Monday August 27?

Sorry you lost one BGinVA. We have been holding off naming ours just in case something happens. So far so good though. It's interesting because we're seeing their personalities develop already. The White Rocks are adventurous and bit wild. The Austrolarps are calm and a little territorial. The Golden Buffs are very skiddish and jumpy.
Mine came from Ideal today...2 blue silkie bantams, 2 light brahma bantams, 2 salmon favorolles, and 2 speckled sussex. They are all so beautiful!! I bought a packet of that green gro-gel, with electrolytes and probiotics and stuff; the hatchery assured me that chicks love it. So what do they do? Went straight to the plain water and chick starter. That gro-gel was totally ignored. I am so thankful that they're ok, I almost don't care what they eat, lol!
Thank you. I lost 3 last time (2 in shipping, 1 later), and it is heartbreaking. I hope these guys have dodged any bullets and will just grow big and strong.
I just found this thread! I'm sorry to hear about the little chickies that didn't make it. We ordered 5 chickens from McMurray but a friend who has chickens is going to raise them for us. They arrived on Wednesday and we get to meet them tomorrow. I think I'm more excited than the kids! Providing they remain healthy, we will have two Australorps, one barred rock, a red star and an ameracauna. We'll get them in about 10 weeks when they're big enough to move into the coop and that will give us, hopefully, enough time to move the coop from the garage to the yard and do the finishing touches.
Will be sure to post chick pics after tomorrow's visit!
So how are everybody's chicks doing at 1 week of age (approx)? Mine are growing like little weeds, I wish they didn't grow so fast I really smile when I see them so little and so frisky. I'll probably wait one more week before letting them get some outdoor time, plus its been pretty rainy and wet here and I'd rather wait until it dries up a little. Anyody giving treats yet? I've not given anything besides chick starter so far, but I'm anxious to start them on a few treats as I love how they come running once the realize that I bring treats. My thought is to wait until they are doing a little bit of outdoor foraging so that they are getting some grit from the ground and then I'll start with a few small treats.
Happy 1 week birthday little chickies! Sable, Penny, Sunny.Princess and Cutie Pie are doing great! So full of energy. I was going to take them out for their first outside trip today but raining here too! If it dries up later I might take them out for a bit. If it is warm enough!
It's amazing how fast they are growing. I'm happy they are a little bit bigger and not quite so "fragile" as when they first arrived. They are starting to grow tail feathers/fluff, it's so cute!

I started giving small treats a few days ago. I started with some Greek yogurt mixed with some of their starter feed and they love that. I've also done the yogurt mixed with a little dry oatmeal and a scrambled egg. I've also pulled up a little bit of clover from the yard with some dirt on the roots and given them that. I'm trying to stick to things that don't need grit, though they probably got a little from the dirt on the clover. I'm going to Southern States this week and am going to pick up a bag of chick grit so I can start giving them bugs, etc. I've been giving them one treat a day and it seems to help a lot with building trust with them too, the first day or two they were very tentative with the yogurt but now they attack it as soon as I put it in with them.

I'm going to try to take them out next weekend. It's been rainy here too and I think they are still small enough that they will slip out the sides of the puppy run I'm planning on using for their temporary outdoor run.
BGinVA - you've probably already seen this, but in the "sticky" at the top of the Raising Baby Chicks forum, there is a very informative thread on treats for baby chicks.

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