anybody here a victim of unemployment?

Oh, don't forget about those in prison getting law degrees on our dollars, and all the foodstamps and welfare when they get out. Did ya hear about the prisoners filling for the $8,000 homebuyers credit and getting them? I heard a little about it from my DH, I was working 12+ hr a day shifts last month when that fieasco broke out.

Something is wrong when robbing a bank gets you a free college degree!

Yup.. yet i would have to pay out the wazoo and go in debt for 20 years for a law degree...
Truly makes me sick...
I'm TELLING ya.. it PAYS to be a mooch and a criminal today. Thats how depraved our govt has gotten....
^ Bonus points for prisoners RIGHTS including cable TV.

I am not guaranteed cable, for free/paid for by someone else, but someone who is a drain on our country, who as attacked (physically, financially, whatever) honest citizens are given this RIGHT... that is NOT cool... criminals should not have more rights than the citizens they hurt... but again, I seem to be in the minority on that too... Congress doesn't agree anyways.
I can only imagine that the quickest way out of this depression is for tax cuts for employers and individuals so we have more to spend and for the government to shut down and stop spending. Cut government down to bare bones. White house staff alone get's paid almost $4,000,000 a year. I imagine lots is paid to staff for congressmen. Cut it down or do without. It used to be to go to Washington meant serving our country, not being served. And even if he by some miracle got re elected, I imagine he'd still be blaming GWB (who deserves some of the blame) after 8 years. We haven't had a true conservative in the WH for many, many years. Even Ronald Reagan spent too much.
As my FIL who was the max security prison officer, in his opinion, ALL prisoners coming in should lose ALL rights to luxury such as entertainments, internet, free snacks/fancy food, and only give them the basic needs such as books to read, paper to write home, one phone call a month for their families and exercise outside with NO equipments. Make them grow their food in the summer (or year round for the warmer states), raise their own livestock and put them to physical work, mowing, making roads without taxing the government too much money on labor except for the guards, dogs and horses. They should NOT be paid for their services nor they should vote nor they should have any "relationships" while serving in prison. Nor should they collect any disability while in prison.

Anyone had any idea if we ever had a self sufficent prison? I doubt we have any right now but I did know from my FIL they did briefly, they grew their own food and raise their own livestock but complaints and whines from the prisoners and human right activists got in the way and shut the whole thing down. That was the Pontiac prison here in the Illinois. Not sure what the years were when they were self sufficent.

Mahroni, I do not know how the country or government can cut down to the bare bones....too many of them are too ignorant to realize how their status in office does affect the Americans.
Sounds like the State of Florida needs to run yall's prisons!! I work for Florida DOC. There is NO cable, NO fancy gym equip. They do have very limited, off air, TV that is controled by Dorm Sgt. Their hair is shaved, NO facial hair, same blue uniform. They are fed on less than $3.00 a day. They're fed req'd # of calories, not til your'e full. Those considered indigent are provided basic toiletries, BASIC. Otherwise if they want to "EAT" they buy it from the very limited canteen. NO Airconditioning in any dorm (pretty sure thats statewide). Prisons are run as PRISONS not hotels by any means. Personal property is restricted to just a very few items. Photos, letters, writing material, and approved reading materials. AND they can buy a Florida DOC sponsored deck of playing cards. Most Wanted Photos on the back of each card!! They're the only cards allowed!
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Sounds like the State of Florida needs to run yall's prisons!! I work for Florida DOC. There is NO cable, NO fancy gym equip. They do have very limited, off air, TV that is controled by Dorm Sgt. Their hair is shaved, NO facial hair, same blue uniform. They are fed on less than $3.00 a day. They're fed req'd # of calories, not til your'e full. Those considered indigent are provided basic toiletries, BASIC. Otherwise if they want to "EAT" they buy it from the very limited canteen. NO Airconditioning in any dorm (pretty sure thats statewide). Prisons are run as PRISONS not hotels by any means. Personal property is restricted to just a very few items. Photos, letters, writing material, and approved reading materials. AND they can buy a Florida DOC sponsored deck of playing cards. Most Wanted Photos on the back of each card!! They're the only cards allowed!

Thats pretty cool! Most criminals see prison as no big deal~ I bet that would be a very big deal! I saw this one Max. prison on that cnbc show extended stay, They got to have weight lifting contests! Spring of 08' we had some Max security prisoners serving very long sentences escape. They had been put in a min. security prison for overcrowding reasons. Theses fellows were in for Rape, Kidnapping, & Murder!
the big business thingy is true. they need to stop worrying about big businesses and start worrying about the people

Just WHO then should we work for?? I'm not defending corporate greed. It exists. BUT BIG BUSINESS PROVIDES JOBS!! Have we as a country become so uneducated that we can't figure this out?
The ONLY way people can go back to work is IF there is an employer to go to. AND, most employers whether big or small are in business to make money. I don't agree with the ways some go about it. I think a lot of companies have lost the "employees make or break us" concept and worry way too much about counting pennies over people.
Blanket statements about the "EVIL" corporation though are just...............wrong. The richest man in the country still cares about his employees. (or seems to) He pays a good wage, provides excellent benefits, and runs a HUGE corporation. Microsoft. So he's evil too?
Jobs have gone away for a miriad of reasons. Government is the last answer to this problem. More regulations, taxes, and mandates only take away from the employers ability to hire and expand.
Now I'm rambling again and I'll shut up. For now.


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