anybody raise sprouts to feed the chickens?

You do succeeding batches with yours right? That could by part of the "why." I haven't had good luck with oats by any method and so I'm trying one bag to start. That is probably why mine dried out.

Am I correct in remembering that you had a lid from a big tupperware underneath all your bags as well as one on top to hold in the moisture?
You do succeeding batches with yours right? That could by part of the "why." I haven't had good luck with oats by any method and so I'm trying one bag to start. That is probably why mine dried out.

Am I correct in remembering that you had a lid from a big tupperware underneath all your bags as well as one on top to hold in the moisture?
Yes and yes
I just started sprouting for my chickens and I have a question. Can you use dried beans from the grocery store from the bulk section? I just wanted to make sure they aren't treated with anything that would make it so I shouldn't use them for sprouting. I'm really just trying to find the most cost effective method of buying beans and seeds for sprouting and preferably not have to pay for shipping sprouting mixes.
I just started sprouting for my chickens and I have a question. Can you use dried beans from the grocery store from the bulk section? I just wanted to make sure they aren't treated with anything that would make it so I shouldn't use them for sprouting. I'm really just trying to find the most cost effective method of buying beans and seeds for sprouting and preferably not have to pay for shipping sprouting mixes.

I have done that with some small degree of success. They are much bigger than say a bag of lentils (these are fantastic) or wheat, or rice (have not tried rice) or some other small grain you can find in the dry soup section. In my particular circumstance, they take a while to get going and keeping them mold free is a challenge. I may try them again in a burlap sack like Kassaundra's oat program. My oats seem to take a bit longer... started another bag yesterday with doing some things different. We'll see what kind of luck I have.

My birds weren't extremely fond of larger bean sprouts but they got eaten.
So where do most people by their beans or seeds for sprouting? has some mixes for birds, but I really don't want to pay shipping! Do I need to go to a health food store for sprouting beans and seeds?
I've bought them in the dry soup section at the grocery store. They come in one pound bags and depending on how many birds you have, one pound makes a lot of sprouts.

I have 16 chickens. I would like to have sprouts available for them on a daily basis during the winter months. About how much per bird per day would be adequate? My intentions are to use it in addition to their layer feed they have 24/7 access to.
I would have to guess on that. Maybe 1/4 cup sprouts per day? Depending on what you're sprouting, it will take trial and error to figure out how much to sprout. Small seeds, maybe a tablespoon before sprouting, larger ones like kidney beans probably only 3 or 4 beans. It also depends on how long you let the sprouts get.

Oh, these amounts are for large fowl. For bantams, I'd cut that in half or maybe a third of what you give your big birds.
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