Anyone "burnt out" on hatching yet?

I enjoyed the peeping in the bedroom, but was glad when they were moved to the office, and then even happier when they went outside. I had my bator cleaned and ready to store, then I checked out BYC for sale forum. Needless to say there was an offer I couldn't refuse. Well, DH found out I bought them when the postman delivered. He wasn't too happy. I then proceeded to tell DH that I would be lucky if 6 out of 18 shipped eggs hatched. It's day 10 and 17 are developing nicely. Uh oh...poor DH
Hey! I hear peeping too! Wonder if thats our subconscious talking to us? I hear peeping in the kitchen, but the eggs are only on Day 8? (I am not sure-and don;t feel like getting up to look at the calendar).

I am having a bad incubation this round, many eggs have started and then I am taking it as a sign that its time to stop. My eggs are due to hatch on 4th of July, then I will clean the incubators and put them away. However, I will admit it was very very very hard NOT to get the serama eggs I saw on the BYC buy/sell/trade last night. Really hard. I had to walk away from the computer. lol
I would love to just keep on going but my DH has told me I'm not allowed any more for a bit
. He wasn't too impressed as I started off doing this so we could eat our own chickens but the other day he said
" are we going to eat that one ?"
ME> "no thats one ( the first chick I ever hatched so he's called one ) we can't eat him "
DH> "what about him"
ME>"well no thats kinder and that's Anoukh"s (my youngest daughter) favourite
DH>"and peppino?"
ME>"can' possibly eat him he's blind that would be way too unfair!"
DH>"well which ones can we eat then "
I still haven't answered that question , I just get too attached !.
17 out of 18 that is hilarious. It seems to happen that way. When you plan ahead to make up for those dud eggs, you get more than you want. We were given 100 quail eggs to try and hatch, and we were expected a large hatch. Well only half developed and hatched and I'm down to 35 now. Go figure..

I'll hear peeping in the oddest places. I think it is literally burned into my brain. I will not even be near chickens and I'll hear chicks peeping..

I have had to explain to the hubby too, that not ALL the chickens are for eating. Try explaining to the hubby what you use Sumatra for. LOL I made the mistake of calling them "ornamental" and he wasn't too happy about it. He doesn't find them attractive, but he deals with it because I do not think their is a more beautiful breed. So ladies, when expaining what your new breed of chickens are, avoid the word "ornamental".

Oh yeah, my last Javas hatched and now I am down to just a small peafowl hatch this Saturday, then the bators are empty.

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I'm on day 10 of my first-ever egg incubation. I can't stop looking in the 'bator, and they're just EGGS.

Question: I have started eggs at three different times, and they're all in the same incubator. If I buy one more 'bator, will that be enough to manage eggs that were set four days apart? I figured that I will move each set at 18 days, and the chicks should be out by the time the next set needs to be moved. Right?
I'm done...I have slapped my fingers a dozen times thinking just one more hatchhhhhhhhhh!!.. But after this batch in the bator that are for a friend and on day 14...I quit for the summer....I put the doz. eggs I had out on the counter tilting everyday
thinking I should set these
into the fridge this morning.... DH said thank the gods no more hatching!!...It's like here a chick, there a chick all over my house and pens!!... they are everywhere.... I think I went overboard this summer....

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