Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

I'm also waiting. We will be picking up our chicks this Saturday, March 17th. We can hardly wait. I know my husband thinks I am crazy also!!! I'm worse then a kid waiting for Christmas!!!!

5 days to go!!!
Friday is the day for us!
HAHA!!!!! JakesBigPapa I haven't counted the minutes or seconds yet! I am sure I will as my time gets closer........I am sure I will be a real lunatic then!
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We waited a really long time for ours. We just got 1/2 of ours a few days ago. It has been hard preventing the kids from rubbing the fuzz off of them!!
I may just have you all beat... I'm waiting on chicks to hatch and poults to be delivered! All due on March 27.

I am not a patient person. At all.
I have been waiting over a year to convince my family that chickens are a wonderful "pet" to have around. Last month we all agreed that it was a good idea but this was my thing (YES!!! I'm very noticably thinking to myself ) So I picked out my 10 chicks, got them ordered, and the 3 month wait began... My "girls" aren't getting shipped until May 21'st... I'm taking 3 days off work, just incase they dont come first thing Tuesday morning 8)
Add us to the list of 'waitees'.
They were put in the bator on May 10th. They'll hatch more or less April 4th and be shipped that day. They'll be received on Good Friday.
Can't wait! Easter fuzzies!
Patience is not one of my best qualities. Christmas is easier, because one can peek! Cannot peek this way. ARGH! I feel like I'm 9 years old again.
Is it time yet?
How about now?
Not yet? Well, now?

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