Anyone else excited about their garden?

I really want to do corn, I think I have waited to long to plant corn though. How many plants are yall doing? How many would it take to feed me for the year?
We have 50# of tators and peas in the ground. My DH just finished putting up the hotwire around the garden. We have tried unsuccessfully to grow sweet corn. The coons love the stuff. You can see the stalks and husks on branches going up to the top of the tree. DH is determined to grow and harvest his own sweet corn even though my father provides gunny sacks full of the amazingly sweet stuff.
Our neighbors are having a good laugh!
How much corn is going to depend on what kind of corn and your season. We can't plant corn out here till late may, and we hope and hope for warm weather till sept, when we harvest usually just before it starts to freeze again, and this is planting early girl 64-74 day corn, to get one ear each. I usually plant half a lb of seed. Reason we have to do those though is because in this particular area, we don't get enough heat units for corn to really mature right.
I will be excited about spring as soon as the snow melts and the wind slows down and the air warms up...which will be anytime between now and June depending...
I am going to add some new raised beds I want to try square foot gardening this year...
I will be trellising my cucumbers tomatoes peas beans squashes...I have bought a lot of different heirloom cucumber and tomato seeds...I am so looking forward to this season...
I am so excited this year! Though I can't plant anything till closer to the end of May, beginning of June, but the snow is almost gone from my flower beds and the plans are being worked out for my raised beds. Stopped by our local dump/recycling yard and the compost is ready! This stuff is fantastic. When we moved in 4 yrs ago we went and got some for the flowerbeds and they love it so I can only imagine what the veggies will be like.

So this weekend I will be trying to get dh to get the raised beds done so I can get the compost.
my uncle and grandmother have been growing these the last couple years for juice. She really likes them and thinks they do a thicker juice.
Well, I would be excited, but I think I am a plant killer. I have tried to start several different veggies in th ehouse, but none of them grew. I just have peat pots of dirt.
. On the other hand, my hubby was being a smart alec, and stuck a potato in a jar of water, and wouldn't you know it, the darn thing grew!. go figure huh?.
I cannot wait for my garden, we do a sort of community garden with a couple of our friends. Sunday we spent the day spreading compost and alpaca manure and tilling everything under for a second time.

Then sunday evening we all sat down and planted our tomatoes and peppers in peat pots to set in the green house
What a fun day!!!!!!!
My wife and I planted our first personal garden here on our property last year. We harvested so many green peppers, cucumbers, squash and many other veggies. We loved every minute of it. So this year I turned a new garden 5 times bigger than the one last year. Hoping to add red skinned and sweet potato's as well as corn to the garden this year.

Have the big Massey F tractor, but needed a tiller. We went to Lowes today to buy a plan book she was wanting. On the way out I stopped to look at the tillers and noticed one that looked like someone bought it and returned it. I bet they bought it tilled whatever small area they wanted to till then returned it. The wheels had a little and I mean a little dirt on them and the tines on the tiller were a little dirty. The paint wasn't even scratched on the tines. After talking to one of the department managers I got a $749.00 tiller for $427.00. SCORE!
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