Anyone else hatching 6/25? Chicks are here!

Thanks! I am not the best at getting pics up here, usually just emailed them to another member and had them do it. However, recently I was told of a good way to put them up, so will give it a try.

Yeah, between the 25th and July 11th, I have a variety of chickens,(besides what I put I have hatching later:Hamburg crosses,Mille/Jap crosses,Pendedesca/Maran/Welsummer crosses, Cream Brabanters, and two other sets of mixed eggs) ducks, turkeys and a couple of pheasant eggs hatching. I have quail in that were supposed to hatch today if I counted right, but so far nothing.
Anyway, good hatching vibes going out to everyone hatching on the 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks chsfairy2007
Actaully, for my second try (I had a feeling), I set 7 of my own guinea eggs in another bator 8 days ago. I candled them today, and 5 have definite floaters and veining, 1 is iffy, and one looks clear (I will give it a couple more days to make sure).

Forever the optimist, I refuse to give up on the remaining goose egg

Wow MagsC! You are going to be overrun soon (lucky girl)! I would love to add some Pendedescas at some point (and Welsummers and Marans and BBS Orps and...).

I can't wait to hear about (and see pictures) of everyone's babies when they arrive! It's down to the wire!
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LOL, I would rather be over-run by chickens and poultry in general than anything else!

Dont give up on the goose egg. I have heard that sometimes they can take up to 35 days? Though mine all hatched on the 28/29 day mark.
I wish some luck for you on your last egg.
I'm wondering about my pea egg... haven't seen anything since the 9th. Just a dark area slowly filling up the bottom of the egg.
We'll all post pic of our hatches and "share" with you, though!!
Don't feel left out!!
Just give that last egg a couple more days... I'll be hoping for you!
Wow! That's a lot!
I would love some BLRWs!! I think they're beautiful.
This is my last hatch for a while, though. My DH has to fix the run to our current coop before he builds the 2 new coops I need.
LOL. Yeah, he is making me retire my incubator for the year. Unless, of course, I am given some more pea eggs - then I'm allowed to "fire it up."
But chicken eggs are done for the year. I guess I'm okay with that because I am expecting a very good hatch this time.
I really do feel confident that my 'bator and I have done a fair job with my own eggs so far, so.... *cough* I already have my next batches of eggs ordered...
I bought some SQ Mille Fleur d'Uccles, and some SQ Lemon Blue Bantam Cochins! Pip pip hooray! No more, though, I promise... at least until fall. XD
I understand completely! It truely is addictive!
If my DH hadn't intervened, I'd have probably ordered some BLRWs, more (I only have one chick) Mille Fleurs, and some Salmon Faverolles. As well as the peafowl eggs I plan to get.
They're just too darned cute - the chicks, that is. And there's something about waiting for the eggs to hatch... like it fullfills some subconscious need to care for something... or something like that...
I don't know. Maybe it's just fun - in a suspenseful, long, drawn out way.

Well, at least we're almost there!
Day 18 for me today. Will take eggs out of turner and set them in the bator. I'm going to try using the mesh shelf liner this time to help with the chicks getting around and for easier clean up. Has anyone on here used this?
I have not tried the liner... yet.
I thought about it, but lately, I've been leaving the eggs in the carton for the hatch. Clean up is pretty easy with carton hatching.
My biggest concern was the chicks laying on the wire, but they usually find their way back onto the cartons and lay on top of the warm eggs that haven't hatched yet.
Sounds like a great idea if you don't use cartons in your hatcher.

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