Anyone else have eggs due around 9-23?

Hatch day was the 20th for us... all but one have hatched and its not even internally pipped yet... how long do you give before doing an eggtopsy?
Hatch day was the 20th for us... all but one have hatched and its not even internally pipped yet... how long do you give before doing an eggtopsy?

I'd leave it for a couple days. If the momma is hatching the eggs, she'll get up pretty soon after the others have hatched and the ones that didn't hatch, I usually throw out. I expect my Chip will be up and about tomorrow sometime.

P.S. I counted six little ones tonight. Six! Out of 12 that I put under her, I'm pretty excited. :)
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I am staring at one egg in the bator due today... my very first Buff Orp from my very own hen and roo- this is my test egg.
I have to stop myself from looking every 20 minutes... ugghh. Trying to exercise patience... but I really don't like to exercise.

*drumming fingers*

I think I hear tiny peeps every so often. Hard to tell since I have 5 in the brooder 5 feet away- Ha!

Congrats on all the news babies!

Wish me Luck!
Oh fellow hatchers,

when I got home this evening after being gone all day--- one of the eggs under my broodie had rolled out. It was cool--- I put it back under her... (she is in a box inside a rabbit hutch---there's no way she could have gotten it back in by her self).... I suspect it had been out for awhile. Am I just out of luck on that egg?

I know time will tell...but wondered if you all might have some insight. Thnks!

If the hen rolled it out- chances are it doesn't 'feel' right to her. Hens don't like exploding rotten eggs under them anymore than we do. Some say the hens just know which eggs are bad (they feel rotten, full of gas, roll with a 'clunk' inside, etc.). If that happens again be sure to mark the end of the egg with a sharpie (give it a number) so you know which egg was in question. Eggs can survive a long while out of the nest (cooled), depending on where they are in their incubation faze. You just never know until you try. I would have put it back under her as well. Is she a newbie or an experienced broody? Good Luck!
How are things going today?

Good Luck to us all! :)

WEll I took the last egg outside and put a hole in the air sack end... Enlarged it a bit didn't see any movement opened it more... Had a moment of panic when I thought I saw movement (was liquid moving when I shifted the egg) opened it and had a perfect formed chick that never moved to to try hatch... Oh well 7 out of 8 ain't bad especially for my first hatch and with a homemade bator... Now ready for my good eggs!
If the hen rolled it out- chances are it doesn't 'feel' right to her. Hens don't like exploding rotten eggs under them anymore than we do. Some say the hens just know which eggs are bad (they feel rotten, full of gas, roll with a 'clunk' inside, etc.). If that happens again be sure to mark the end of the egg with a sharpie (give it a number) so you know which egg was in question. Eggs can survive a long while out of the nest (cooled), depending on where they are in their incubation faze. You just never know until you try. I would have put it back under her as well. Is she a newbie or an experienced broody? Good Luck!
How are things going today?

Good Luck to us all! :)

Thank you calichickies!

I REALLY appreciate your insight. Today I discovered an egg in the corner of her box....only part of it was there. It kind of 'stunk' so I think it had gone bad. It was also the OLDEST egg I gave her. I have another one one day older in the brooder.... oh O noooooooooooo. But that isn't the one that rolled out. So -- we will find out Tuesday. I moved her to an new place. Not a good idea I know. She was kind of mad about it....but I think she'll get over it. I agree Good Luck to us all... and Congratulations on the new chicks....for those who have identified that they are having success. Now... time for 'baby pictures' right? ::O)
My one and only little egg hatched last night at 2am - yippee for me!

She is my very first Buff Orp from my own roo and hen.
She's super cute and totally blond of course.
I'm still waiting for my silkies eggs to hatch. We felt movement last night, but no pips yet. I'm hoping by tomorrow we will have some kind of an idea on whats going on.

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