Anyone else have lots of different animals? I can't be the only one...

Thanks NellaBean. That's what I was looking for I think. We have had a CRAZY month with the last two weeks being incredibly challenging so I think I was just overthinking it. I definitely have time and $ to care for what we have and won't add any more till the budget allows. They make me happy and are well cared for pets. Isn't that the point of having them in the first place? I mean, if they didn't make you happy, would you still have them? I suppose in cases where hoarding is an issue that doesn't apply.

As for keeping the peace with DH and the kids, ultimately I am the one responsible for the animals care because I have chosen to bring them into my home. (That's not to say that I would keep animals despite objections from the family if that ever happened.) DH really doesn't care either way, as long as everyone is healthy and happy he's happy. It's not that he doesn't like animals, far from it or he wouldn't put up with them I think, they just aren't his passion while for me they are. Kids have their own responsibilities when it comes to taking care of the ones that are technically theirs (like the GPs and gecko) but that's not to say that they don't help out with the family pets like the dog, cats, & rabbits. And of course, everyone loves getting eggs.....

I also agree that some people on the forum probably have more animals than they can take care of. I think the reason I started the thread was just to reassure myself that I'm not alone in my love for animals. That there are other people out there that are as passionate about them as I am. Like I said, this month has been pretty stressful and was feeling a little funky and that it was okay to find joy in my passion. (In case you're wondering, we've had the typical illnesses that go along with cold weather - one kid after another - two of them needing antibiotics, car trouble for both my car and DH's truck in the same week, older DD broke her wrist last Friday then had an appendicitis scare yesterday, then someone at DH's work overreacting to a comment DH made about something being "technical" thinking he was calling her stupid
How many pets are enough? LOL NEVERRRRR! Seriously, I feel that when we get to the point that physically we cannot care for each animal to our fullest expectation personally or by law. To me, even the birds that are for freezer camp are treated like pets. When they I begin to feel that aww poor baby, its time to take matters to the next level. Its not that I like to, but for my own health, I must.
Right now 2 siamese cats & 34 birds all in different pens due to type/sex and the back porch looks like a barn from flapping heathens that don't understand keep the shavings in the pen!
Although I may sound grumpy, I signed up for it! LOL!!!
Stupid Fish & Game. There was an article published eons ago that was completely fabricated not based on fact and was about the black footed ferret (which is not the same as domestic ferrets) that claimed they were a dangerous, vicious animal and a threat to our agriculture. For some reason no one seems to be able to figure out, our state's F&G has decided despite evidence to the contrary (the least of which being the only other state they are illegal in is Hawaii - which makes sense since it's an island) that this article is the end of discussion on the matter.

So we are stuck with them being illegal. I think there is something wrong with our F&G department in general though as nothing exotic is legal here (except for reptiles - which might explain why so many people have them). My BIL is a rep for a pet supply company and has a couple stores in Vegas, they have everything there. You can get monkeys, sugar gliders, degus, ferrets, and he took a picture of a wallaby once to prove that they sell those too since we didn't believe him!
I have to agree with pat, but I don't think it's something that is at all funny or amusing, to be honest. This is the only place I've seen such an attitude so rampant and then the jokes, 'ha ha ha' about it.

I can't count how many times I've read here, 'help, help, my <species of animal> is sick, and I can't afford a vet/can't haul it to the vet/don't know what to do! What's wrong with it and what cheap/free home remedy will cure it?', or 'my <species of animal> killed my <species of animal>, don't they all just get along together?'.

You have too many animals the minute you say, 'I am gonna go get a <species name> but I don't know anything about it, I'll sit here like a baby bird and you all tell me', or 'It's sick/hurt and I can't afford a vet' or 'they don't really need vaccines/hoof trimming/space/exercise/time/bedding/hay/cleaning/building/pen....DO THEY?'
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too many is when you get to the point of not being able to propelry care for them in all ways (vet, time and energy)

i have no problem with trying home remidies limited vet care but you need to be able to afford if those emergencies occur...its one thing trying to treat a simple cold at home...but you wouldnt do that to a broken leg...ect.

i also think if you get to the point of getting an animal simply because its cute, and you know nothing about it, then its getting to problem standing.

right now i have 2 dogs a cat a parrot and 2 linnies in a 400sqft space...
for some that woudl be "too many" but each gets needed time, attention, proper diet, proper housing (ie the birds have more than the minimum sized cages, heck my sever macaw lives in a cage origionally designed for blue and gold or scarlet macaws lol) and each gets vet care as needed. more so i dont buy on a whim i do my reserch ect. the only animals i didnt go out and purposly buy were tempi the cat, i found her in a trashcan and planned to rehome her...and loki my first linnie, who i was pet sitting and her owner died...
i did however have experience and knowledge first and only decided to keep based on the fact i could properly care for them.

i plan the same aproach when i have my farm...ive got lots of plans for what i want, but things will be added slowly and only as i can afford to keep and spend apropriate time with them...
We are a little nuts when we get the first and then it spins out of control. I have or have in the past bred and raised: fresh water tropical fish in many species, turtles, snakes, coons, opossums, crows, dogs, cats, sheep, hamsters, rats, mice, rabbits, geese, ducks, guineas, pheasants (ringneck and ornamental), peafowl, chickens, pigeons, parakeets, canaries, ?
(Did not breed the wild species listed. Only raised orphaned young. The best of the wild bunch was a crow named Joe.) The best of the other species was a GSD named Rondy.
Normally I agree with most of what you post welsummerchicks but I was offended a little by this at first. After I thought about it for a minute I realized I can understand where you are coming from. In all seriousness, I do not think animals or their care are to be joked about they are a responsibility that many people underestimate. I agree that there are many posts that fall into the category of "help my <blank> is sick and I can't afford a vet" however, that does not mean I automatically fall into that category because I asked for advice on a new behavior my dog was exhibiting and I don't know any dog trainers other than on this site. I researched for over a year and learned all I could in that time about chickens before I ever bought my first chick. I did not just jump in blind and cry "help!".

Every animal I own (with the exception of the chickens), I've either had for years or if they are new, they are not new to me, I've had them in the past. I absolutely believe in providing the most for an animal not the least and if that means I have to have multiple of said animal for their comfort (like with the rats) I will even if I only fell in love with one at first. I do think some people ignore the advice of those more knowledgeable than them simply because what they are being told they should do for their animals is inconvenient. I take very good care of my animals and before I even think about getting a species I haven't had before I spend the time to research as much as I can. If there are experts I can get advice from I take that as well.
Ok, I think I need to redirect this thread a bit. I did not start this with the intent of it becoming somewhere for people to rant a bit about what they feel is inappropriate about keeping so many animals. It was a light-hearted attempt to see if anyone else felt the way I do about animals. That as long as you are able to care for them and provide an enriching environment for each does it really matter how many you have? I understand the moment their care starts to slip or some other aspect of your life needs attention you've reached the tipping point and need to evaluate the situation and make changes.

Apparently the title was worded incorrectly so I will edit that to make my intent more clear.

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