Anyone else have lots of different animals? I can't be the only one...

All that and you're scared of horses?! I have a few Mini horses that could help you with getting over your fear
Trust me, horses are nuthin compared to that piggy if he or she is anything like my PB Pig
I swear, some days it seems like my pig is smarter than me!!
I have a few different animals and still want just a couple more.

1 Goat
2 Peacocks (2 more girls on the way - Thanks to another BYC'er

6 Turkeys
7 Rabbits
9 Geese
9 Sheep
9 Feral Cats that I feed
35 Ducks
118 Chickens (the girls will probably hatch out 100 - 150 chicks for 2011)

(Looking to get 2 Alpacas)
What we have is in my signature. My neighbor offered us a piglet since both of his sows just delivered. Would make for a great freezer stuffer but I know I would get way to attached and then it would be here forever. LOL!
I would love to get some Nigerian dwarf goats but afraid I wouldn't be able to keep them safely separated from the dogs.
They go after deer that come on the property so I don't know if they would learn to not bother the goats.
We are on 5 acres.
Wow. I'm so glad I'm not alone!!! I love seeing the variety everyone has. It's good to know there are others out there that are like me. The rest of my family (extended) kinda doesn't understand. DH and the kids do of course.
Thanks everybody and keep 'em coming! This is the longest thread I've started by the way and it's kinda cool....
Thanks birdbrain I think I needed to hear that. It just surprised me with the turn it took so fast! Oh, I would have so totally had a dolphin if I could!
lol, looking at this thread makes me feel "normal" lol.
if i had my own way id open a private zoo!
as it stands right now though im hoping by this time next year to have my own property, at which point ill be slowly adding to my animal addiction as i want a real little homestead. lots of big plans
2 indoor dogs
1 outdoor dog
4 cats
1 horse
3 mini horses
3 rabbits
5 guinea pigs
4 doves
i dont even know how many ducks and chicknes!
Here are all of my much-loved and very well cared for pets:

2 dogs
3 cats
1 hamster
1 hermit crab
13 pigeons
10 chickens (25 more coming soon!)
13 ducks
and 2 geese

All of my animals are very well cared for. They always have food, water, a clean place to leave, and plenty of love! Our dogs and cats get premium food (TOTW) and we always put our animals health first. I am sure we do spend a lot of money on our pets ( I don't keep track
), but we can afford it. We have a nice house, food on the table, and 2 cars. We are fortunate enough to be able to afford them, but I know plenty of people who should not own the pets they have.

One of my neighbors for example. They have two dogs who live of of Kibbles and Bits, never go to the vet, and are treated with no respect. They had two unaltered cats last year. Well, surprise, surprise, the female cat had a litter of 9 kittens last year who now run around the neighborhood fighting with other cats, eating people's chickens, and now that spring is here, the kittens will have kittens. This will continue on until we trap the cats and bring them to the human society, so this is now OUR problem. They bought chickens a few years back, and when they decided they didn't want to feed them anymore, they locked them outside of the coop and the coyotes got them. It makes me so sad, but to them, it is perfectly okay.
2 dogs
2 cats, 1 indoor/ 1 outdoor
1 frog
1 100 gal aquarium ( I don't even want to count the fish lol)
1 snake
4 chickens

If we had land there would be alot more animals! I'm hoping we get some soon

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