Anyone else having a ladybug(actually an asian beetle) problem???HELP!

at least it's not wasps!
They're everywhere outside and inside my house right now, I've sealed up any crevices around my windows and in my outside room(used to be part of the front porch but hubby's father turned part of it into a room where our dryer is) and they're still somehow getting in there, I've bug bombed that room, though I'm sure the screened in windows aren't helping much (no glass) but I don't know how they're getting in anymore, I'm half tempted to bring my flock back inside so they can eat them, if I wasn't so worried about them getting hurt etc.. I don't know if it's good for a 2 month old chicken to eat a wasp
, though they've been loving the ants, beetles and worms they've been finding outside
sorry, didn't mean to rant so much LoL I'll trade ya the beetles for the wasps though!
yukkk My new white lamp
shades have the squiggly lines all over.
had to have a fumigator..but they still seem to love
it on the hot side of the house.
Here's something you may not know...

Deer ticks carry Lyme Disease and Lyme Disease can be very debilitating, if not deadly, to humans.

Lady Bugs eat the baby deer ticks (and other ticks too) and can keep the ticks away from not only yourself but your birds too.

God Bless,
Lady bugs take up in our shed every winter. I don't get in there much, so it isn't a problem right now. They are pretty, but they bite. I would really freak if they swarmed my house. Good luck with them, and I'm sorry you have this problem.
We have them as well during warm weather but not lately. They come out from under our vinyl siding. We do have bees swarming in the Maple trees. I'm glad I don't have wasp yet. Last year ended up in the emergency room after picking green beans and one flew out and stung me on the lip, my whole face swelled up
I got stung twice last year and had to go for shots. I hope this picking season is better. I got two epi pens now on hand.
The problem has been so bad in this state the last few years, that I've developed an allergy to them. Guess how much I love them and the people that have introduced them?

Anyway, we bought a little rechargeable hand vac to suck them up. Instead of constantly emptying it, I put a piece of paper towel over the end, with a rubber band around it, between uses. That way they can still get air and you can dump it later.

I have to use the vacuum with the hepa on it to vacuum any dead ones I find or the dust from them makes it so I can't breathe. I guess I'm having a rant, too!
Yea, we have 'em by the hundreds here in arkansas. They've been around all winter, but get worse in the spring and fall. I've been told they are NOT ladybugs, but a "look-alike" and they are not useful at all.
I know I'm sick of them and my jack russell, Todd has had all he can take. He's runs and jumps through the house eating them. He growls everytime he sees one! Guess I may have to start eating them too to get rid of them, on second thought I'll keep running the vacuum!
I would definitely u-pick your ladybugs if I was near you. I buy them to release in my yard. I have scale and aphids, and ladybugs eat them. The scale is killing some of my mature trees. When I find ladybug larva (looks like a little black and orange alligator) I try to move them to a needy tree.

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