Anyone else having trouble selling duck hatching eggs this year?


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
I didn't sell too awful many duck eggs last year, but I sold all that I listed. This year, I'm listing maybe 1 dozen eggs a week, and I can't for the life of me sell them! They were bringing about $1 an egg last year, this year, when they sell, I'm lucky to get 50 cents. Just wondering if everyone else is having trouble selling them.
I would be lucky to get $2 or $3 a dozen locally, it's even harder to sell them here.
50 cents an egg! That's crazy! How do the hatcheries get away with selling them for $50 a dozen. You would think that more people would buy from local breeders
I guess it's just a mental thing.

Personally, I'd much rather order from an individual than from a hatchery.

As for eggs, I'm just cheap. I come from the quail world, and ventured into chickens and just now getting into ducks. Quail eggs are ungodly cheap, chicken eggs are $1.50 a dozen (even cheaper at auction) so the duck eggs just seem that much more expensive. I paid $3/doz for two dozen duck eggs, and that was all the higher I was willing to pay.
I think its because your eggs are mixed. Mixed eggs aren't selling. My Pekins are selling like hotcakes. I now have Runner eggs and will be selling them soon. I expect the same response. I've noticed that anything mixed this year really isn't selling. I even noticed here on the BYC BTA board.

That could be true. I'm probably going to have to suck it up and spend the money for pekin eggs, but would never pay to have mixed eggs shipped to me. I don't mean that as an insult to anyone or their ducks. I just need something that's tried and true to produce, produce, produce for the skillet and dinner table.
I usually sell on ebay, and no ducks are selling worth anything on there. I saw a listing for 10+ jumbo pekin eggs that sold for $3 plus shipping. My ducks are integrated, but at least 75% of the ducklings are pure bred, most of the ducks stick with their own kind. I have hatched 4 this year and have 2 pure pekins and 2 pure rouens.

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