Anyone else having trouble selling duck hatching eggs this year?

Was just thinking about selling some Fawn and White Indian runner duck eggs. Would anyone be interested??? I have tons of eggs in the incubator right now and I have plenty of ducklings hatched already. I have 1 female and she has been working overtime and has been laying me 2 eggs a day.

WOW! My Runner was laying great (and her eggs were selling great locally too) right up until about 2 weeks ago, when she inexplicably quit. She's not egg-bound, she's getting plenty to eat, has free access to oyster shell, but I guess she just decided to hold out on me.

I really want her to start back up soon - I have 8 of her eggs in the 'bator due to hatch next week that are all pre-sold, and wanted to set another batch!
I'm having trouble selling ducklings! i finally reduced them to $5/ea and still nothing. i think i am going to just take them to the auction on saturday. they have been selling for about $8/ea there. I'm already keeping more than i planned and just dont have room for all of them
I would set them, but I only have 2 incubators--1- 1583 and 1- 1588. I did set these, but that incubator is just about full. I already had 3 goose and 12 duck eggs in there, so now it has 30 duck and 3 goose
I don't know what I"m going to do with any other eggs, the silver cayuga has another 3 eggs in her nest, as does the rouen. I didn't even find any eggs from the pekins yesterday, and had only found 2 eggs daily a couple days before that. I have 3 pekins, so whenever I find that nest it will probably have a dozen eggs in it
I really need a big incubator, but I don't want to get one until I have something 'good'. IF I can ever get turkeys or pheasants to hatch, live, and go on to breed, then I'll probably break down and get a big one.

Believe me....I can definitely relate!!! I currently have 2 Genesis 1588's going non-stop. I have a third one "on hold"...will probably fire it up real soon(smile). I have some really neat eggs coming from Ebay and BYC soon. I'm trying to acquire the breeds of chickens/ducks that everybody seems to want......but ONLY if I really want and actually like them. I try to concentrate on the rare and endangered means a lot to me. Hey, if anyone out there wants some neat duck eggs, please let me know!!!! I WON'T eat fertilized duck or chicken eggs(sucker....I I don't want to make a just break even would be fine withy me. I love all my birds. This is more a labor of love than anything else. I never expect to even recoup what I've already spent over the past 8+ years.
When I only had quail, my 1588 was sufficient, with the LG forced air acting as a hatcher to do staggered hatches. I could get a few orders of chickens in once in awhile and I didn't have to worry about running out of space. Now, I think my tax returns for next year just might include a sportsman, since I should have laying hens and ducks on top of the quail.
I could fill up my 1588 in about 4 or 5 days with the eggs from my quail, it takes them less than 3 weeks to hatch. So I'd still have eggs coming out my ears lol
The plan is to set about 40 eggs a week, should be 1 day's worth once they start laying good again. A week ago I was up to 34+ eggs a day, but then the weather cooled off again and they decided to slow down. Perfect timing, considering I was just starting to collect for a 144+ egg sale
Goofy birds....I got 28 so far today, and that's only 1 from my tibetans (I have 4 hens in that pen), and none yet from the whites (3 in that one too). So I 'might' (
) get over 30 today yet
Before I had a group of 5 coturnix hens and I think 9 button quail hens. 120 slots were way more than enough, especially since I sent so many extras when I shipped. Now, I only have five button hens and a coturnix hen who went off lay right before I got three new hens (one of which was laying every day, including auction day), but I'm now down to zero coturnix hens laying (I have three total, I lost one). I just sent out 18 button eggs today, plus 7 eggs were due today, so that saved me some incubator space, lol.
Friend2fowl, I maybe interested in the duck eggs. What breeds do you have? I noticed WH and calls? I have 6 calls in the bator and I would like more but concerned with the difficulty in the hatching and the miles they need to travel to get to me. Thoughts?
I usualy did fairly well the last 5 years I raised duck's.Mostly I sold the the duckling's live.The last main flock I had were mainly crested and I had waiting list for them.Had a lot of deadbeat bums come around wanting a full grown duck for $5 or $6 buck's baaaaa.They charge $4.25 for duckling's at TSC
.Hehe hubby made one smart mouth kid mad after(the kid) he chased a full grown pair of Khaki Cambell's down and he was only gonna charge him $15 for the pair and the hen was LAYING Egg's too!Hubyy said you want them or not he said you crazy I aint paying no $15 for no 2 duck's hubby cut them loose.He left with 3 pekin' duckling's at $3.00 each hope he found some pure Khaki Cambell's elsewhere lol. Some people over charge on stuff around here a friend of mine charges $5 a piece for mallard ducklings and $3 per chick.I always went well below hatchery prices and most of my birds were purebred and I sold my mixes cheap.I hope all works out well here this time and can get my birds in own pens and stuff.I can't say I ever hatched an ugly mixed bird though and a lot I had good offer's for because they were so different looking.I hope you have luck selling your egg's though.
My Runners bring in very little money although on occasion I get a good price for them. They are not much work though so I dont mind and I love having the eggs for eating/baking.

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