Anyone else having trouble selling duck hatching eggs this year?

That could be true. I'm probably going to have to suck it up and spend the money for pekin eggs, but would never pay to have mixed eggs shipped to me. I don't mean that as an insult to anyone or their ducks. I just need something that's tried and true to produce, produce, produce for the skillet and dinner table.

I have 3 breeds, and all 3 of them are large ducks. So if someone were wanting birds for eggs or meat, these would be the ticket. I sold eggs from these same birds (plus a few new ones) for at least $1 an egg last year.
Welsh Harlequins are about the only ones that seem to be selling on ebay, even the call duck eggs aren't selling for much.
IMO, the pekins are just too perfect. Good layers, good meaties, and the main thing is that they do it quickly. I would possibly go with a pekin mixed with something else (maybe buffs), but for the most part, I'm willing to pay for a purebred so that I KNOW what to expect. Not to mention that it's easier to sell the eggs/ducklings to bring back feed money. I am on the other side of the world- but I was shocked to get so much response to my ad recently. I guess supply and demand is a big part- being out of season there arent many others advertising duck eggs out here- and we cant list on Ebay either. I have got mine listed as $25 per dozen plus postage- and I have got my eggs booked out for a few weeks now- just form 1 advert.
I guess I also have sites like this to thank- As the Aussie forums and websites arent filled with pics of new ducklings and chickens just hatched at the moment.
I ran one craigslist add 2 months ago. I haven't needed to repost. I have several repeat customers.

I also have people interested in ducklings. I should have homes for anything my broody hatches out. I think she set 8 eggs. Evil little thing wont let me check and see how many are viable

Not sure how Harlequins got so hot, but I do love them. Must be the combination of their traits. Will go broody, great egg layer, can't fly worth a darn, good forager, friendly, good meat duck...I am sure the cuteness doesn't hurt either.
They have turned out to be pretty popular, at least this year. I've always been told that the breeds I have (pekins, rouens, and cayugas) are not likely to set their own eggs. Apparently someone forgot to tell them that, I lost 5 ducks last year that were broody somewhere. I let all mine free range all the time, so sometimes it's hard to find their nests. The broodies were 2 pekin, 2 rouen, and my only cayuga. Luckily I did know where she was and was able to save her nest. No water birds are setting eggs this year, not only is there the risk of predators attacking the broody, but now we have at least one snapping turtle in our pond. My son hooked it while fishing, it's shell was at least as big as a dinner plate

Edit to add that I will pen them up if they start hiding their nests, so far I'm able to find them.
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Ducklings are really popular here too. Right now I have people waiting for ducklings to hatch. I just hatched out 6 Pekins tonight, I lost 1 during hatch.
Pekins are really popular where I am because people want them for their meat. I have 20 eggs in the incubator right now but they're not due for 2 more weeks.

I sell eggs both locally and on Ebay. Last month I made a little over $300 selling duck eggs.

I made a little over $200 selling eggs on ebay, but I think it was mostly quail and a few guineas. I have no idea how much more I made selling by word-of-mouth, the eggs are $4 a dozen and I get at least 2 dozen a day. I'm behind on orders until at least the beginning of next week

I don't know how well ducklings are selling here, I guess I'll find out soon enough. These 18 eggs went into the bator, along with 12 eggs that I got from lamike. I know there are 2 eggs in the rouen's nest and 2 eggs in the silver cayuga's nest, I didn't find any pekin eggs today, so I get to hunt for them tomorrow
Highly doubt that all 3 of them decided to not lay on the same day...
Hello Everybody!!!!
Instead of selling mixed duck eggs, Ive been hatching them myself and selling the really cute ducklings at monthly tailgate sales one of my local group's hold. They always sell extremely well. The hybrids are Magpie/Ancona/Hookbill mixes.....really adorable. I also sell purebred Ancona and Magpie eggs/ducklings. So far neither breed has really started laying en masse yet. I've had no problem selling them locally for a decent price. This year I'm probably going to attempt selling on Ebay or BYC.
P.S. I wish everybody much luck selling their matter what they are!!!!
I would set them, but I only have 2 incubators--1- 1583 and 1- 1588. I did set these, but that incubator is just about full. I already had 3 goose and 12 duck eggs in there, so now it has 30 duck and 3 goose
I don't know what I"m going to do with any other eggs, the silver cayuga has another 3 eggs in her nest, as does the rouen. I didn't even find any eggs from the pekins yesterday, and had only found 2 eggs daily a couple days before that. I have 3 pekins, so whenever I find that nest it will probably have a dozen eggs in it
I really need a big incubator, but I don't want to get one until I have something 'good'. IF I can ever get turkeys or pheasants to hatch, live, and go on to breed, then I'll probably break down and get a big one.

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