anyone else living in the northeast sick of all this rain?

ever watch Ghost Hunters? I think they were in Scotland last episode and if you dont believe you should have seen what they saw.
Lunkerchicken ty for funny post about Noah's Ark! Made me laugh and I sure needed it.
It is RAINING Again right now! I feel so sorry for our chickens..been like this for three days..rain rain rain! I went outside two hours ago between rain clouds and raked out the mess in the chicken run..spread a bunch of DE and hubby quickly set up bug zapper inside the run (due to gazillion flies) and put a tarp over the run. This is horrible...I feel so sorry for our chickens..and the flies..sheesh! No sooner do we get it all done and the heavens have opened once again.
its been raining on and off the last 2 days here.... parts of my yard are so muddy (hubby likes to drive on everything even mudd so I have HOLES AND DITCHES of mud) I hate to walk out to the pen cause I will be wet from my knees down.... but it has to be done

there is a huge storm coming through right now and hubby is off in town on his motorcycle, he says that he is waiting till it passes....

***wondering if he should just wait maybe until july, when the rain may stop***
This rain is more than just annoying. I have three 7-wk old chicks and four 6 week old chicks LIVING IN MY PLAYROOM because my husband hasn't been able to finish their coop because of all this blasted rain! I have to change the shavings in their brooder all the time because it stinks! PLEASE STOP RAINING !!
Pack it all up and come to Oklahoma. Today the High will be 100. No rain in site. Not only will your chickens dry out, they will be cooked a nice golden brown.
Dry today...we ventured out to clean the runs! BLECH!!!!
Oh, it was soooooo nasty. I really need to get some of that DE. Rearranged birds, got some spread out and more room.

Took 1/2 dozen to the butcher this morning. On an up note, I found a guy who will process for $1.25 a bird!!!! I know, right?!?!

Anyway, I heard it's supposed to start raining again tomorrow night.
this is just silly.

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