anyone else living in the northeast sick of all this rain?

Oh yes, I definitely can.

I use a big piece of plywood laid over the top hardware cloth. It's not much, but at least it keeps the rain from soaking the insides of the coop through the window.
I'm trying to finish the run so the chickies can get outside but everytime I have a few hours after work it is raining. I am so sick of the rain!
I am in muddy hell everything is soaked and it keeps on coming. we had one rain free day and I spent half of it putting DE everywhere. gonna have to get lyme too. I am so sick of it, cant get anything done in the mini farm and all chooks seem miserable, and all runs are stinky.
Tell you what, we haven't had rain on the Gulf Coast/Houston area for like a month! We are hurting down here and are WAY behind on our rain average. It is going to be 97 today, including the heat index it will be 105. Send us some rain, please!
I so wish that I could! Maybe we can just switch places for a week, then we'd both better appreciate what we got!
I'll bring the rain, you bring the sun!
I lost nearly 4 weeks of work because of the rain. Not open if it is raining or the grounds are soaked. I was supposed to work til tomorrow, but havent had hours in over a week basically. So I emailed my manager and told her to call me if she needs me during the summer. and other than that I will see her come fall
(OK, I'm doing this because any time someone in Washington complains about the rain, someone from out of the area chimes in with a comment like, "It's sunny & gorgeous here in ______"...)

Western WA is due to set a record of consecutive days with no rain today or tomorrow. It's something like 28-29 by now.

A couple of years ago we had a winter with 100 days of consecutive rain. That stunk.
*lol* This thread cracked me up. I'm in WA. We're experiencing unseasonably good weather. It hasn't rained in 30 days and its a record.
We're all complaining about the heat, lack of rain, pollen, and sniffles from allergies! Welcome to our world, neighbors. But I do have to admit, its great having the garden done, the coup almost finished, and a suntan even before July!
The rain is becoming depressing - fast! I honestly was expecting some sort of reward for going through the winter we just had! Ha! I was wrong! The punishment is endless....

My poor 4 week old chicks are stuck in the coop again. I'm trying to keep them busy so I just took out some strawberries, banana and ricotta cheese. That keeps them busy for 20 minutes. I feel like such a bad chicken mama for keeping them locked in but last Saturday one was really not feeling well and I saw some blood in poop, so I rushed to the vet and he gave me some antibiotics - luckily the next day they were already acting normal again.

Vet told me "it's the darn wet ground" lately. Now I'd rather not let them out and take a chance. Oh, and it's 55 degrees right now too!

Hey Shire/Clydesdale/Belgian Lucky Duck, go ahead, enjoy your sun. Next year you'll need a picture of what it looks like!

Hmppphhhh, from rain-soaked Cape Cod.

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