Anyone ever had a chicken adopt a skunk before????!!!!

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Apparently science is now optional.

If evolution were true then where are the thousands and thousands of transitional creatures in existence right now not to mention the remains of thousands of transitional creatures. There's a huge lack of science to support the "theory" of evolution.

True, as opposed to the huge body of scientific data supporting other theories.
If evolution were true then where are the thousands and thousands of transitional creatures in existence right now not to mention the remains of thousands of transitional creatures. There's a huge lack of science to support the "theory" of evolution.

True, as opposed to the huge body of scientific data supporting other theories.

Yet that doesn't prove evolution.
Hey all,

I'm enjoying the skunk thread and am hoping that we get updates and more pictures soon. Could we please drop the evolution "debate" before the thread gets closed? It's one of those subjects that people get all excited about, but nobody is going to change anyone's mind so debate/argument in an online forum is as pointless as it is off-topic. Thanks.
Summer before last we had a skunk wander into the dog house and spray in there. The dog house is three feet from our house and the entrance faces the house. We shot the skunk and threw it out then we left the house because the smell was so bad. We got home about 3 hours later and got out the air fresheners and our house was ok. But the poor dog house.... Thankfully it was summer because the dogs didn't go into that dog house for 2 months.

Trust me you don't want that skunk to spray in the coop.
oh for heavens' sake, you know that thing would be de-scented and living in my house!

Now THAT I'd like to see.
oh for heavens' sake, you know that thing would be de-scented and living in my house!

Now THAT I'd like to see.

Dang thing would be curled up with the cat in front of the fire!
Dear All,

Firstly many, many thanks for all your contributions. I have learnt more about chickens, skunks and evolution than I ever thought possible!!

Mr Stinker stayed happily ensconced under Mrs Hen for 3 days, and then when I went down yesterday he had gone. All the eggs she was sitting on are still there, she seems fine, and other than a slight lingering odour there is no sign that our little skunk friend was ever there.

One for the diary I guess . . .

Many thanks one again!
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