We have a stray cat that is co-mingling with our chickens
Each time we go down to the coop to gather eggs or whatever, we see her, sometimes she's actually IN THE COOP...with the chickens??!! But we don't know if she's holding them hostage or whether they are all tolerating each other, they know she's not a threat, she respects them because she knows they could/would shred her if she got sassy-type of thing or what?! The second she hears us she scurries out and hides under the coop. Now today she was sitting on their ramp :/ They were just doing their thing, a few by the gate (a few feet from the coop) and the rest were out toward the pasture, not minding one bit that that cat was sitting there, very weird yes?? Maybe they don't care and would spook her away if they wanted to get inside?? But I'm wondering... Also, while I was down there today (she saw me and hid under the coop as always) and she was peeking her head out at me, so DD ran and grabbed some cat food and I tossed some to her, and the chickens because you know how they LOVE cat food! Anyway, she came out about halfway and was eating a few pieces and a couple hens wandered over pretty close to her, maybe about a foot away and all were happily eating. They were a little clucky but not sure if that was because of the cat or us having snacks, they didn't seem terribly alarmed and they never do. It's the WEIRDEST thing!
Should I be concerned? We could use a live trap and catch her, take her to the local shelter...not sure what luck they will have with taming her, she's a typical barn cat. Thoughts?

Should I be concerned? We could use a live trap and catch her, take her to the local shelter...not sure what luck they will have with taming her, she's a typical barn cat. Thoughts?