I know, probably weird question, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever processed a button. Probably be a LOT more work than what it's worth, but I'm wondering if it's even possible. Anyone know? I'm debating on what to do with extra roos that I hatch that the balls don't chow on (I know I'll be hatching more than what they can eat), and my options are probably either a tinsy snack for us or a meal for the cat, but either way, I would have to process them at least to some extent. If I feed to the cat, I have to process enough that I won't have blood, guts and feathers all over my home (cat's indoors only, so I can't just toss her out there and toss a dead bird). So, anyways, has anyone ever processed a button for human consumption, or cleaned one up enough to feed to an indoor cat?