anyone got weird names for there chickens??//

and i love all those other names hahaha. i thought naming all those chickens thursday was fuuny, and bush seeker hahahah
My first 3 chooks were Miss Prissy, Chicken Little and Henrietta Penelope (Henny Penny) which were my favourite cartoon and story chickens when i was a kid.
My current chooks are Xena Worrier Chicken, Phoenix Flippy Tail, Buffy the Earwig Slayer and Amelia Pond.
I probably watch too much TV.
im gonna name my next ones. Cinnomonroll, Jigglypuff, Popcorn, Flapjack, applejacks.

Naw mine arnt to bad.
Furry, Honeybuns, Sweetypie (aka sweet potato), Gabby, Angie, Foghorn, Mischief(when she was a baby she was bad), Twinkletoes(she runs very fast), Muffet(aka little miss muffeet), also Midnight but my Mom named her.

I love nameing animals lol
i love those names and i also dont like normal names for pets . just wondering what does crop bound mean i dont know much about chickens yet i have only had them for 6 months

Crop bound... Here is a link that is kind of scary but useful for this chicken ailment. Just remember that crop bound is different than having a really good food session...

Names... I agree with you. I prefer to name an animal around something they remind me of or an activity they seem to enjoy most. The cat named Stomper, the hamster named Nibbles, the giant hissing cockroach in my 9th grade science class was known only to me as Kafka... I made a friend who's dog's name was the same as mine. Very weird to go over there and we would both look when she spoke to one or the other of us...

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