Anyone hatching 20th or 21st? Hatch with me!!!

I've got 13 Barnevelder eggs in that are due the 22nd. I'm hoping they do well.

Happy hatching, everyone!
I have Silkie eggs I'm moving over to the hatcher today, BUT I've had a terrible hatch rate.
I don't want to jinx anybody here:oops:

Good luck to everyone!
I did a dry incubation the last hatch and it went great.

I have a habbit of seeing an empty space in the incubator and just putting one of the eggs I gathered that day in the bator and thinking I will remember when it is due. Yes I should put the date on it. Well had two hatch in the turner this time.

Serves me right because they hatched in the middle of the night and since they are in my bedroom guess what woke me up at 3am. peep peep peep. They came out so clean I might try the egg carton thing this time.

I've got 5 now under my 2 broody buff orpy's due tomorrow (monday). I had 7 but 2 were no good. It's my first time at hatching chicks & I'm getting very twitchy to say the least.

They will be crosses so goodness knows what they'll turn out like! the dad is a gold brahma. The mothers range from buff orpys,brown lohmann hens,leghorn whites,gold brahma. Anyone want to take a guess what they may turn out to be??

I candled them tonight. The leghorn egg was very active - looked like trying to peck at the airspace? Another one twitching about. The other 3 had a good airspace but dark with no movement.

I can't sleep. I'm supposed to be seeing a old friend tomorrow who I haven't seen for years but I'm more intrested in waiting to see the chicks. That is terrible isn't it.

Good luck everyone. Healthy chick wishes to you. xxx
I have 6 BTW Jap bantams and 25 RIR/RIR mixed due on the 21st Then due on the 23rd I have 2 EE, 2 BTW Jap bantams and 24 RIR/RIR mixed. They were all good as of day 12 I will be candling again tonight and take out the turner in the morning for the first set and do the same in 2 days for the second set.
Good luck everyone!

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