Anyone hatching duck eggs right now?

I keep my temperature at 99.5, but raise my humidity to 65. I just hatched some chicks for the first time. I don't think it is much different besides the number of days and higher humidity for the ducks. Good luck!!! I don't know what kind of incubator you have, but try not to open it after lock down. You don't want to lose that humidity.
I am! I am a stay at home momhatching with my 3 year old daughter for a summer learning project. I hatched chicks before but its been years and did it as an at home project when i was a child. We have 3 small pekin duck eggs in a small "chickubator". They were laid on july 4th, 5th and6th but just started incubating yesterday (which is what i hear you count as how old they are) so i guess we are on day 2. I have made an at home candler and tried yrsterday (thinking they wrre on day 4 but later learned theyre day 1) and didnt see anything but a dark spot. We live on an acre and plan on keeping them and learning as we go so i think i will be turning here for lots of advice!
Welcome to this thread..and welcome to....

I go into lockdown next Tues. I am so hoping I get some folks on here to calm me down!
It's Tues! Already! Trying to get humidity up to 80%. Nervous wreck. New to duck hatching. Three days to go.
Good luck Cynthia12, you can do it. Lay a couple wash cloths in the bottom of the incubator..}}}Use"Warm"water to get them wet, when their nice & warm fold it in half, then ring out the water but not too tight. leave them damp/wet enough but so water"Won't drip"off.... It seems like with the twist in the wash cloth, it holds the warmth of the water in pretty good. I kept having humidity & temp spike issues till i finally figured out what worked best for me. I also use old but clean socks with warm water & i tie a knot in the socks, i make sure warm water is kinda in the knot(this is just my opinion) some i lay in the bottom of bator & some i put in a container or bowl under a vent hole so if needed i could add warm water to the bowl without opening the bator... once you lock down try to not open b/c you can lose the humidity. I'm almost done with my hatch. ~ Hatch day was Friday 8th. Good luck, ~Julie~
I woke up to a new duckling this AM - Day 27, he/she is a BUFF and I have 6 Welsh eggs in there and 2 are busting out as I write this and one other has pipped.

I have chicks and turkeys in there also and the ducklings are the only ones doing anything... but like I said I am a day early also!

I have been between 75 - 78% humidity.

*Seen you over on the Hatching forum!
I am patiently waiting for lockdown to come (it's not til the 22nd).
I candled and found 1 quitter.
The air space was at small end and when I checked last they were all on big end and wiggling around. I don't know what went wrong. I hope I don't loose anymore I have almost 2 weeks so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Congrats and Good Luck to all.
Day 27? Now you'll have me watching all day tomorrow!! I like that you posted that you had your humidity around 75~78. I won't worry about it not staying up around 80. I kind of thought it might be ok to be in the high 70's.

Who said they were on day 22? That's not too much longer.
Sorry destin0709 about the quitter. Fingers are crossed for you that the rest will be a success.
Congrats LadyBirdsPalace, on your new ducky.
My humidity is 80-80+ Fingers are crossed for the rest of your hatch as well. Good luck, ~Julie~
I have some trouble hatching duckings. I live in semi desert, our starting humidity is about 25% and it's a bear getting it over 50%. Now, if I were just patient in the spring, my Saxonys go broody on the 1st of May like clockwork. Pumpkin hatched 10 of 12 eggs this year!

My duckings tend to be a slow hatch (probably the dryness, I even run a humidifier in the room with the incubator!) and I'm used to a day or more from first pip to the duckling, though they can be faster. They will hatch late for me too, I think my incubator tends to run cool.

This year was tough with the incubator - I ran it for three weeks, then checked the temperature with a new thermometer and realized I was running my still air at 103!! I turned it down, found I still had four wigglers from the outside corners... then the power company called and said they were going to turn off our power to work on the lines. I had the power out for 5 hours - put in hot water bottles and hoped. I hatched one of those eggs. I had Anconas sharing a nest for 5 weeks about this time... I pulled them off their eggs. Turned out they'd gotten 34 eggs in a little dog house and several of them were still alive on candling. I put them in the incubator and managed to hatch 4 of them - six weeks after the girls started sitting! I guess they kept laying, as they didn't have anywhere near 34 eggs when they started. I won't let those two do that again!
Next time the Saxony can do the work. I've two wonderful experienced Saxony mothers, they can each have a nest and hatch anything I need hatched on any given year and they won't be 103 or turn the power off!

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