Anyone hatching Serama eggs?

I'm expecting 6 Serama eggs in the mail any day now. As I'm reading the posts regarding babies that haven't even pipped into the air sack, I wonder if humidity had been to high and the air sack didn't grow enough. Your thoughts about this?
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I myself have been trying to hatch seramas. I have my own breeders so I have the eggs but am having a hard time getting them to hatch. My first try, I set 7 eggs, 1 died around day 10 and the 2nd hatched but died 12 hours later. My 2nd batch, I set 12 eggs, some of my own and some I bought. 2 died around day 10, some were infertile, and 3 made it to lockdown. Out of the 3, 2 hatched on their own and the 3rd died in the shell. Fully formed but never pipped. The last set, I set 5 eggs, all 5 were fertile. 1 died around day 15, and the other 4 made it to lockdown. 1 died in the shell, I think it drowned because the air cell was too small. The other air cells looked good, but only one hatched and I had to assist. The other 2 died in the shell, fully formed. I think I could have saved them if I would have only assisted a little earlier. I am nervous since I now have 20 more growing in the bator on day 16. I have learned something with each hatch though. I realize that I will have to assist and am prepared to do so. I find that if the bator humidity stays 30-40% until day 18, the air cells do well. I think my issue has been my temps. I have been using a LG 9300 still air and the temp is uneven through out. I ordered a fan so we will see if that helps. I think mine have been too wet and become glued where they cannot move to pip due to low temps.
Haven't received my Serama eggs in to mail yet but I did ask for advice on hatching them. Their replay was that they incubated them at around 96-98 degrees with humidity at 65-70%. They hand turn them three times a day. I thought temp was a little low and thought maybe it was Serama specific but they hatch 30 different breeds like that. So I'll be decreasing temp on incubator a little.
I have never heard of that low a temp for incubating, I have to wonder if their thermometer is off ; ) Most folks recommend incubating bantams a little higher, at 100 degrees. My last batch of Seramas went into the hatcher last week and I thought the hatcher temp was 98 to 99 but days later realized it was a few degrees lower and I had several eggs quit at the end and of the 5 that made it out, 3 were really late and are rather wobbly still... so I would not purposely incubate at a lower temp. I have another batch on day 19, I hope to get some more frizzles : )
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I have never heard of that low a temp for incubating, I have to wonder if their thermometer is off ; )   Most folks recommend incubating bantams a little higher, at 100 degrees.  My last batch of Seramas went into the hatcher last week and I thought the hatcher temp was 98 to 99 but days later realized it was a few degrees lower and I had several eggs quit at the end and of the 5 that made it out, 3 were really late and are rather wobbly still... so I would not purposely incubate at a lower temp.    I have another batch on day 19, I hope to get some more frizzles  : )
How did hatching go with your Seramas?
I'm getting a little nervous... My Serama eggs have been in almost a week now. Earlier in the week I came home from work to find temp to 105.8. Incubator had been working nice and steady temp for a week prior so I was miffed. I later found out that my daughter had adjusted the temp. I cooled them in cool water soaked towels as others had suggested but still afraid their fried:(
How did hatching go with your Seramas?
I'm getting a little nervous... My Serama eggs have been in almost a week now. Earlier in the week I came home from work to find temp to 105.8. Incubator had been working nice and steady temp for a week prior so I was miffed. I later found out that my daughter had adjusted the temp. I cooled them in cool water soaked towels as others had suggested but still afraid their fried:(

Have you candled them? I have had temp spikes that high and still had eggs survive. Crossing fingers for you
I candled them the day of the temp spike after I cooled them. I couldn't really see much so I thought I'd wait a few more days and try again. My incubator temp has been all over the place since then. Just when I think I've got it regulated I find it too high or too low again. It gives me hope that you had some still hatch with a temp spike. Thank you
I've got 10 serama eggs in the incubator. This is day 21 and only 5 of the 10 are piping. Should I candle the eggs that aren't pipping??

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