Anyone have 3 extra leg bands?


May 23, 2016
New Hampshire
My pekin triplets are identical - same height, weight, voice, bill color etc - and I want to band them with different color leg bands so I can differentiate in case of health issues, but I really don't need a package of 100 or 500! If anyone has 3 size 12 bands, I'd be happy to buy them from you, or if anyone has a good idea on something I can make myself that won't be plucked off and swallowed, I'd appreciate it. :)
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Yup. I know about colored zip ties. Still have to buy them in bulk. Maybe I can hit up the neighbors and get a black one and a white one and leave one bird naked. How tight do you apply them?
Yup. I know about colored zip ties. Still have to buy them in bulk. Maybe I can hit up the neighbors and get a black one and a white one and leave one bird naked. How tight do you apply them?

Just tight enough that they can't be pulled off. Then check them weekly.

A package of colored zip ties is cheaper than a box of numbered legbands.

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