Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Oh my goodness. How adorable! Are they both sitting on eggs? Or is only one? That is so cute.
yes it is SO CUTE!!! the 1st one started 5 days ago and then the 2nd joined in the next day and they have split the eggs up, so funny one day it was 5/2 the next day 3/4 they are SHARING!!! Never seen this
yes it is SO CUTE!!! the 1st one started 5 days ago and then the 2nd joined in the next day and they have split the eggs up, so funny one day it was 5/2 the next day 3/4 they are SHARING!!! Never seen this
That is adorable!! I have two broody ducks but they refuse to share so they take turns. The other one is always pacing right near the nest, waiting for the first one to get off so she can have her turn LOL they are so funny.
Hi, I set some silky/cochin eggs along with 6 "farm mix/silky" eggs I have 18 eggs in my incubator. I can't wait for them to hatch. I set them on monday. I haven't figured out what date exactly should be their hatch but it's in october. :)

I candled my eggs last night and I see blood vessels!! One egg exploded last night but it only exploded in the shell. I guess it wasn't fertile or something went wrong.
My camera is messing up but I'l try to get pictures of the eggs tonight, if I can.
That was the best picture i could get a few days ago. I'm thinking about trying my cellphone for pictures and i plan to attempt to fix an old camera as well. These are small eggs though so hard to candle anyway.
I came home from work yesterday to find my first time broody hen, a Dominique sitting on Minnies eggs!! Minnie went to a different box and sat on different eggs ! I was going to move them but they were so comfortable , so I left them alone ! aurrrgg!
My Minnie (my previous broody) is competing with Ember (my current broody) for her eggs too! I don't have any way to separate them until the chicks hatch either.
Oh well, maybe I'll just cover the entrance to the nest box with a towel.

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