Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Ok - here's the first baby picture. Here he is in his protected cage inside the brooder surrounded by meat chicks. Talk about a picture being worth 1,000 words!

It's probably a good thing we were gone for several hours today. As soon as we got home I could hear chirping. One of the eggs is zipping (about half way around the shell). And there are at least 4 pipped eggs that we can see.
By the way... is anyone in Northwest Indiana or somewhat near that with a new chick to spare? We only had one hatch and he needs a friend!
I wish we could help. I haven't heard back from the women in Marion about her chicks but I know she had like 50+ hatching our very soon and I will be going to pick up some if she has enough hatch out that she is selling the extras. If she does, I'll get ya one as a thank you gift for the awesome poultry experience you've set us up with. :)
Hi! I'm probably a bit late for this thread, but I've got 48 eggs which have just been put into lockdown (Tues 2/10 evening) and are due on Thursday, and another 48 due next Thursday.

I'm pretty excited because, although I've incubated before, this is the first time I've done my own eggs. Okay, eggs from my own chickens. And I heard some eggs peeping at me when I put them into lockdown just now! Yay!

Anyway, the eggs are a mix of:
One rooster is mostly barred Plymouth Rock with some Australorp blood (very dark barring), the other is mostly Wyandotte, crossed with who-knows-what (mystery chick that turned into such a gorgeous rooster I didn't want to give him up).
I have 4 RIR cross light Sussex girls (I don't think any of their eggs made it into this batch, but they're in the one due next week);
2 light Sussex cross girls (one is silver-laced Wyandotte, the other a mystery) who both look mostly light Sussex (except for the Wyandotte's combe);
2 Anconas
and I borrowed my dad's two ISA Browns and one white Leghorn.

Very, very exciting.

Oh, my sister also has 3 duck eggs in a little incubator that are due tomorrow (Wednesday). But when they were candled at 1 week, only one of them seemed to be developing. There was also an 8-hour-long blackout the day after they were candled (I set my eggs as soon as it finished -- it was a planned blackout).

from Rachel.

PS, I'm in South Australia. In case you're wondering about the date. 2/10 here means the second of October.
I wish we could help. I haven't heard back from the women in Marion about her chicks but I know she had like 50+ hatching our very soon and I will be going to pick up some if she has enough hatch out that she is selling the extras. If she does, I'll get ya one as a thank you gift for the awesome poultry experience you've set us up with. :)

That would be GREAT! :) I'll even chip in on some gas $$ for your trip.
Three of my chooks went broody all on the same day, so we're all expecting on the 9th October (exactly one week away)! My japanese bantam is sitting on 6 eggs (was seven, but she's a small little thing and they keep coming out from underneath her), my Silkie is sitting on 9, and my Light Sussex is sitting on 11!

Going to be lots of little chickens running around here!

My Japanese bantam was sitting on the nest the other day, and for some reason the way the little hutch is made, it's the bottom boards of the nest don't get screwed down to the sides, meaning something can easily just push it up. I haven't fixed it yet, but the stupid dog was pushing up underneath and cashed her off the nest, and ripped some of her tail feathers out, and I noticed her bum looks really red. She has since got back on the nest and continuing to sit... will she be alright?

Here's some photos:


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