Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Horrible!! Only three out 10 eggs were fertile!! There was one chick that was barely developed, one that was about 15 days developed, and one that was just days away from hatching but, they all died. The cracked egg the only one in my incubator was never even fertile. But the eggs under my broody Ember all died, so I know it wasn't my fault there. I can tell you one thing though, I am never buying from that lady again.
Auhhhg..... but, I have more eggs coming in the mail (from a different person), but now Ember has to sit 21 more days.
And I don't have the heart to "break" her, after all she's been through.
Shipped eggs are difficult to hatch anyway. I did two sets of them that were shipped from within the same state (but to far for me to drive) and first set nothing hatched had same results you described from them. second only half hatched.
Try to find local eggs if possible. I know sometimes it's hard to find local but sadly shipped eggs you need to order twice what you hope to have hatch and then might not even end up with that.
My eggs that I now have are looking good. Several of them are wiggly, Then one i can clearly see an embreo in it no movement good veins though. it's just behind. I'm leaving it in there because it's lil heart beats and i don't have the heart to kill it despite it being so far behind.
update on bator 1 with 2 blue eggs and 1 brown.1 blue egg is on day 22 and i can here it peep but there are no signs of it hatching. How long can it breath in that egg?
bator 2 is day 15 so I candled and i saw movement in all of them. yay!
update on bator 1 with 2 blue eggs and 1 brown.1 blue egg is on day 22 and i can here it peep but there are no signs of it hatching. How long can it breath in that egg?
bator 2 is day 15 so I candled and i saw movement in all of them. yay!
they can be in the egg for a few days after internally pipping. If you are worried there are some people that successfully poked a hole in the egg. But then you might have a chick that is happy to stay in it's shell cause it has all the air it needs LOL

Update on mine, so far doing great on this set. :)
WooHoo!!!! Stella did it. On day 26 I so far have 1 dark tiny baby. I went out tonight to toss Stella's eggs and move her to another coop. I lifted her up to check on the eggs and there was a dark colored baby chick....So I will wait a couple more days to see if anything else hatches. Stella has been sitting for 43 days. The first batch of eggs were the unhatched from 2 other broodys that got too interested in their chicks that had already hatched so I put the remainders under Stella to see if anything would happen...nothing. So the next day I put 5 new eggs under her and now on day 26 the hatch has started. At least I hope that it hasn't also already finished. She is such a good mother. She stayed with her chicks until they were as big as her. She is my avatar with one of her chicks from her 1st hatch. She is a black cochin and spends half of her time broody and the other half raising chicks. So now between my 3 broody hens I have 10 chicks. I have only spotted 2 possible cockerels so far. And my new coop will be finished in 2 weeks. Hooray!! No chickens in the garage for me this winter. I will post pictures soon.
i have a broody hen but im not sure if i should get some eggs for her ive never done it before and im afraid shell ditch them i gave her 2 unfertilized eggs in her separate cage and she didn't like it she just wanted to be in the nesting boxes where everyone lays.

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