Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

WooHoo!!!! Stella did it. On day 26 I so far have 1 dark tiny baby. I went out tonight to toss Stella's eggs and move her to another coop. I lifted her up to check on the eggs and there was a dark colored baby chick....So I will wait a couple more days to see if anything else hatches. Stella has been sitting for 43 days. The first batch of eggs were the unhatched from 2 other broodys that got too interested in their chicks that had already hatched so I put the remainders under Stella to see if anything would happen...nothing. So the next day I put 5 new eggs under her and now on day 26 the hatch has started. At least I hope that it hasn't also already finished. She is such a good mother. She stayed with her chicks until they were as big as her. She is my avatar with one of her chicks from her 1st hatch. She is a black cochin and spends half of her time broody and the other half raising chicks. So now between my 3 broody hens I have 10 chicks. I have only spotted 2 possible cockerels so far. And my new coop will be finished in 2 weeks. Hooray!! No chickens in the garage for me this winter. I will post pictures soon.
Way to go Stella! The egg that i was worried about is zipped and has been trying to hatch for a couple of hours now. It seems strong and thriving but Now i fear it may dry out? Should I help it along???
UPDATE...Stella hatched 2 more chicks. My DH found them this morning not quite dry halfway out of the nest. I brought them in and warmed them up with a heat lamp for an hour and gave them drops of water with poly-vi-sol w/o iron I filled a small syringe with no needle and held a drop up to their beaks they sucked with water right in. Warmed up I took them back to Stella who was chilling with the chick born last night. Carried them out in my coat pocket. Stella was back on the nest and I put them in under her. 3 hours later they were with the 1st chick watching as Stella showed them how to eat and drink. This was the 2 under the heat lamp in the kitchen. They are Ameracuna chicks. More pictures to come. They hatched on the 27th day.
They were about the size of fluffy golf balls. LOL.
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Yep, had chicks hatch 10/11 (Orps, Mille Fleur Leghorns, Cream Legbars, Swedes, Welsummers and Polish) and more hatching tomorrow (Cream Legbars, Polish, Mille Fleur Leghorns and Olive eggers/double laced blue barnies. I hear a peep coming from the bator - I think it's one of the Polish. They are always the first to hatch.
Yep, had chicks hatch 10/11 (Orps, Mille Fleur Leghorns, Cream Legbars, Swedes, Welsummers and Polish) and more hatching tomorrow (Cream Legbars, Polish, Mille Fleur Leghorns and Olive eggers/double laced blue barnies. I hear a peep coming from the bator - I think it's one of the Polish. They are always the first to hatch.
Go chickies Go!!
UPDATE: Another egg is pipping. Don't know if it will make it as Stella is off the nest a lot with her 3 chicks. I put it under another broody to keep it warm I will check on it tonight to see if it has progressed. This is day 28. Holy Cow!

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