Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Several have died because they couldnt get out of their shell. I have 6 that are hatched but had to help 5 out. The last one was bleeding. I candled the rest and two I could see very few veins. The rest looked dead. No movement in any of them. The few that died that were partially zipped had their beaks out, do you think they just over exhausted themselves? Temp 100.5 and humidity 71.
Well, Ember and Minnie are starting the long broody process together. Again. They each have three big brown eggs, of mixed breeds (I think). So we'll see how it goes.
two more days then I go into lock down :) I have 3 eggs that are for sure doing great (hopefully will hatch) the others in my incubator I don't know about I just candled 3 yesterday then stopped. I want to mess with them as little as possible.
Oh and we've started turning down eggs from our current source of fertile eggs. While they may be free their hatch rate/bacteria rate is bad. after these hatch or fail I'm going to take apart my incubator and bleach it, allow it to dry then put it up til early spring. At that point I plan to begin hatching chicks from my moms chickens. I gave her some silky couchin mix pullet (3 of those), a Silkie farm mix rooster, and a red star/farm mix pullet. Then she has some RIR's, White leghorns, some black hens that are big (not sure what breed their feathers almost look green when the sun shines on them). I figure they'll create some very cute chicks. :D
Just tossed the last 2 eggs. One had never done anything. The other was the last to pip but never zipped had its beak near the hole but pooped out. So 3 chicks hatched out of 5 eggs. That's it for me this year.:)
Hey feathered its up to you when to help. Use you're best judgement. I will help unless I see blood. I figure if they're going to die any way at least they had a chance. But that's just me. Sorry for the ones you lost.

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