Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Just an update...she now has 7 chicks running around and amazingly the last egg has a pip in it this morning...

I was going to throw it away last night but thought I felt it move....

That would make 11 eggs in bator 100% hatch (one died after hatching)
8 eggs under broody...if the last hatches that would be 100% hatch for them...
Just an update...she now has 7 chicks running around and amazingly the last egg has a pip in it this morning...
I was going to throw it away last night but thought I felt it move....
That would make 11 eggs in bator 100% hatch (one died after hatching)
8 eggs under broody...if the last hatches that would be 100% hatch for them...
100% hatch! Thats great! Go little chick go!
Just got started hope I am not too late in the thread..
I have 2 Bantam hens on a total of 24 eggs just started sitting tight on the 24th. I moved them to the brood pen, a seperate pen that is 6'x12'. One is a Buff Brahma and the other is a Plymouth Rock. Wish me luck..I have 2 White Laced Red Cornish Roos and the eggs are a mix of Buff Brahma, Plymouth Rock and White Laced Red Cornish hens. This is my second hen hatch but the first round we didn't have the brood pen built and I worried for the safety of the chicks in the flock.
I am so excited to be able to watch my hens with chicks and teach them.
Praying some hatch for you!

still no signs that they'll hatch. No noise nothing. :( They were good when i put them in lock down. I am thinking even though they made it to lock down bacteria is a factor. Because so many of the eggs I had got from that guy ended up with blood rings (majority of them) and then I found out he gives me those eggs after he hasn't collected eggs for a week. Here in Washington the weather is cold/wet. :(
sweetlilbaby- forgot to refresh and didn't see your last post until after I posted. Sorry you didnt have a successful hatch.
It's alright. It was the eggs themselves. I've had successful hatches up until i started using this source of eggs. Then suddenly hatches were horrible, or nothing would hatch. With the amount of them that had blood rings it tells me someone doesn't have clean nests for their eggs and or doesn't collect them daily as they should be. He admitted to not collecting for up to a week then giving them away as "hatching eggs" :(
In spring I'm going to check my moms eggs for their fertility. i gave her a beautiful young rooster. he's 5 months old right now. He's already gaining control over the hens and doing his job LOL
He's a cochin/farm mix. Beautiful coloring, Not sure what to call it in chickens but it's kind of a calico coloring with feathers that stick up on the top of the head and a beard. so cute. I hope to hatch some from him with my moms hens. She's got some RIRs, White chickens ( mixed breeds), some black sex links, and some speckled hens (not sure what breed they lay brown eggs).

I don't just hatch for me. I can own 5 more legally though. But my mom wants 20 more pullets/hens.
I enjoy hatching them and raising them until they are safe being outside all day and night without a lamp.
I have hatching eggs that I would willing to give to you for free on my part but you pay for shipping. If interested I tell you all that is ready now. I have had great hatches with my own; its my silkies that I am trying to establish that has been a little challange lately. I just ordered some fro Washington st but only had 6 hatch; but what did hatch was wonderful. Just wish I could of gotten a few of the other colors to hatch. Let me know if you choose to use the bator again anytime soon. My chickens that are ready are brown and blue layers.

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