Anyone have MAJOR problems with DUST issues from their food?


13 Years
May 18, 2010
Pikeville, TN
We have been trying all sorts of food types (pellets, crumbles) trying to determine which type will generate the least amount of dust. Our hens seem to enjoy throwing the food all around and stomping on it pulverizing it and making the grit air-borne. That along with the wood shavings on the floor is making our chicken house intolerable. Dust is literally ALL over the place. HELP! I worry about not feeding the commercial type foods available (have tried the co-op brands and the name brands) and none seem any better/worse in regards to the dust problems. Some of the scratch brands were noticeably less dusty, so we have determined the brand we will use there. BUT really need help with this. I want to make sure the chickens are being nutritionally balanced - which is why I have been using the commercial brands- but what if we just feed scratch, raw veggies, cracked corn. We do plan on free-ranging them starting in the spring, but how do we handle this during the winter? It is just getting intolerable to even be out in the hen house as there is soooo much dust around. ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS! I miss spending time with my girls. ALSO what about feeder types? Maybe if we had a hanging feeder (instead of a floor one) they wouldn't be able to pulverize as much food. APPRECIATE any and all input. Thanks!
Well, I'm new at this, but in my opinion chickens are very dusty animals. We've got plenty of dust in our coop. I don't think it comes from the food, but from the animals themselves.
Yes, chickens are dusty, very. Something you have to think about if you want power in your coop, run a fan, etc. That's why I will never brood in the house again. Ain't the food, it's the chickens.
I agree that they are dusty animals BUT I would still argue that a majority of the dust can come from the food source. I have opened bags of food that has been pre-pulverized by the manufacturer (?) and there is a silt in the food that comes out in a cloud when I pour it in the food container. The chickens certainly don't help any with their running around! I mean there is so much dust that if you shake the door, a cloud of very thick silt falls off the chicken wire causing a horrible dust that you can't even breath without having coughing fits. I grew up on a farm and I just don't remember this being a problem. Anyone else???
chicken are dusty that said now
your quote
Our hens seem to enjoy throwing the food all around and stomping on it pulverizing it and making the grit air-borne.
first at all raise your feed dish or container off the floor about chest high and used pellet food then u will get less waste of food.
btw you said that u used wood shaving on the floor so it can be dust too

i used hay under the perches. i have bare painted floor near the water and the feeders.
i have wood shaving in my nesting boxes. and once a month when i clean out the coop it does get dusty . i swipe the bare floor every other day too
Agreed, it isn't the food. When the birds are go outside they will roll in the dust and come in and shake it all over. They will also do the same thing in pine shavings. I'm not too sure, but so of what gets into the air may even be dried manure. Chicks produce a lot of dust when they shed their fuzz. Anything and everything is soon covered with a thin layer and, once cobwebs form in the coop they will trap a lot of it. Just have to learn to live with it. I suggest wearing head gear when working in the coop and a face mask when cleaning it.
I really do understand and appreciate the comments so far. My point is that when I open a bag of pellets/crumbles and take a handful of the feed, I can have up to 1/4" dust left in my hand. This dust is all over my feeders and when I add dusty feed to my dusty feeders, I get even more dust. I know it seems whiny - I don't mean to - it just seems so excessive. I read a post from yesterday where someone mentioned that Kent brand of food was preferred because it was less dusty - so I know that can create some of the problem. AND I agree about the chickens dusting themselves with the wood pellets, but it doesn't cause the excessive plumes of dust that I believe is 1st generation dust (from the food itself) and 2nd generation dust from the dried chicken droppings. My girls aren't free ranged yet, so I don't have outside dust to enter the equation yet. Thanks again for your input! I really do appreciate it.

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