Anyone have Miniature Sheep?


11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
I was thinking about these l'il guys... Are they loud? are they destructive? Just thinking about getting two...
I dont personally have them, but know someone who does have the "Baby Doll" sheep. They are WONDERFULL little creatures....very personable...loveable, and cuddly. One day I will get a few..but for now..I will stick with the Shetlands I will be getting in a few weeks...hopefully.
oo nice... I was just wondering if they were loud.. My neighbors next to me said they wouldn't mind but I juat thought I'd ask around to get to know more about them. I'm gonna try to search BYC to see if I can fond any posts on them.
From what I have read I believe that you can... Just trying to find more info on them..
I never heard of baby doll sheep. My friend has some tiny sheep. They are quiet and so very cute. Not to mention friendly. You scratch under their chins and they wag their tails
She knits and spins her own yarn from the wool. To quote her:

"The sheep are Shetlands. An excellent breed for kids and fiber. Ours have a little bit of Border Leicester which makes them a little bigger than full breeds, among other things."
I have a deposit on a set of twin southdown sheep. I pick them up in about 3-4 weeks.I wanted babydoll southdown so bad but these are pure breed southdown and they are a small sheep.. At the breeders they all seemed quite and layed back.
lol ive actually looked into this and babydoll wool has the most barbs per inch than anyother woll so its great to make blends out of it. the owner recommeneded(sp?) angora rabbit, i think she wanted people to buy those from her
I was looking at miniature and toy cheviot sheep, as well. The miniature at the shoulder are no bigger than 21" and the toy no bigger than 17" (<I think). I actually called my village to see if I would be allowed some mini sheep.
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