Anyone have Sourdough Starter?

Do you keep Sourdough starter?

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I'm looking into making and raising Sourdough starter. I wanted to see if anyone else does this.
How old is your starter? Does it have a name? Do you have any tips for me (a beginner)?
There is a young lady on youtube called "girlincalico" that has great sour dough videos and even sells dried sour dough starter. Good luck!!
I always have dried sourdough starter on hand. I spread discard super thin on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and let it dry completely, then flaked it and put it into an airtight container. It sits in the pantry. If anything ever happens to my starter, I can rehydrate and feed the flakes and I’m back in business.
Hey! I still have my starter. I want to attempt to make bread again soon
Yayy!! As quiet as the thread had gone, if it weren’t for having a lot of the same folks being over on the Baker’s thread I would have thought everyone had given up.

I gotta say, I did end the life of my old starter. I dehydrated and flaked some of it and have it stored in a jar in the pantry, but I‘m so happy with the “no-discard” starter I also had going that I’m just going to stick with that one. It’s a robust starter, as you can see from these photos. I had just the scrapings left in the jar and kept it in the fridge. But I made bread earlier in the week and boy, was I impressed with the way it roared back to life. I just let it warm on the counter for a little bit, added 50 grams of water and 50 grams of rye flour, (my recipe calls for 100 grams of starter) and let it rip. I honestly thought it might take two feedings to get it ready to use. It only took the one. After I took out my 100 grams of starter, I put the empty jar with its little bits clinging to the bottom and sides into the fridge for next time. I’m impressed with this starter!


After sitting out on the counter ready to be fed.


A mere 10 hours later it was active and strong. I got it out of the fridge and fed it early in the morning - by that night I was able to make my dough and set it out for its overnight rise.


Look at the result!!
I need to grind some more flour soon. I feed my starter half oat flour, half brown rice flour. I'm gluten free; it's almost a different animal than wheat based sourdough.

I want to bake a sourdough loaf this next week, sometime. It's a "project," but we're going to have some rainy days, so it'll be a good time to do it.

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