Anyone have theory why roosters respond to hen's egg song?


May 20, 2015
Whenever my hens are in the coop laying eggs and squawking, some of my roosters many times will start sounding back and rush towards the coop as if they're very concerned, even when they're a hundred and more feet away. Sometimes they don't do it at all. Anyone have a theory as to why they do that?
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You want theories! I can help you overthink theories.

When a hen is laying the rest of the flock is out foraging. She does not know where the rest of the flock is. Not all hens that lay sing the egg song when they finish but many do. I think it is a call saying “where are you”.

Not all roosters rush to a hen that is singing the egg song but some do. They do not need to go escort her back to the flock, all they need is to crow or another hen may call so she knows where they are. But a hen that is laying needs to be laying fertile eggs. Usually if a rooster rushes to a hen that has just laid he will mate her. Not always but often. I think his action is more about making sure a hen that is actually laying is fertilized.
You want theories! I can help you overthink theories.

When a hen is laying the rest of the flock is out foraging. She does not know where the rest of the flock is. Not all hens that lay sing the egg song when they finish but many do. I think it is a call saying “where are you”.

Not all roosters rush to a hen that is singing the egg song but some do. They do not need to go escort her back to the flock, all they need is to crow or another hen may call so she knows where they are. But a hen that is laying needs to be laying fertile eggs. Usually if a rooster rushes to a hen that has just laid he will mate her. Not always but often. I think his action is more about making sure a hen that is actually laying is fertilized.

That makes a lot of sense. Roosters that run back sometimes will chase a hen around trying to mate her.

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