Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

My chicks shipped Tuesday from 5 1/2 hours away ( I know postal service routes
). The last scan was Tuesday evening and the arrival date per post office is Friday, Ugh. That doesn't even make since. I sure with someone would scan something, I would love to know where they are. Its getting pretty warm out there.
I know, mine are shipping next Wednesday and will arrive either Friday or Saturday. They are only 7 hours away, almost tempted to go and pick them up.
6 more days!!!!!! Hurry up!!! I wants my babies!!!!
On a side note, my beautiful rooster Wylie died. We don't know what happened, I found him when I went to feed. Found no injuries or signs of illness. I'm broken hearted. My poor beautiful boy. Hubby promised to get me a new Welsummer Rooster for mothers day. Least I will have my new babies to help my heart heal.
oh no!!! I'm sorry about your rooster, circlesranch... Both my roosters are sick these days and I had to leave them in a small cage with antibiotic water and leave for work... so sad. I really hope they make it. They're sneezing like crazy!
that's so sad! on wed. i went to the coop in the moring and there on the ground i found my buff laced polish hen dead... so sign of injuries, or sickness.. i was so shocked.
thanks .... great site , have been hiding out in florida reading the various threads on BYC ,waiting for the snow to pass :) , even picked up some supply's at the TSC looking forward to heading north soon to finish off the coop and brooder

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