anyone in England ?

What type of chickens do you have Yorkshire coop. I have 3 warrens approx 26 weeks old and I'm very new to chicken keeping (2 month). I'm finding the information on here is invaluable.

I have mainly polish and a couple of Amber ladies for eggs. My polish are still quite young, hatched them in May and June this year so that I can have two breeding groups next year. Hoping to sell some hatching eggs next year and of course hatch some more chicks for selling.

I started with warrens, just two Amy and Penny but unfortunately I lost them to a fox attack couldn't believe how sad I was when I lost them.
I have a couple of the White crested black pullets that will be in one of my breeding groups next year. They will be in with my silver laced frizzle cockerel who is pictured in my avatar. So fingers crossed if all goes to plan there will be frizzle babies too.

In the mean time check out Givendale Polish chickens on the net. That's how I started with the polish found them on the net and I was close enough to go and collect the eggs. Also pembrokeshire poultry is good I get posted eggs from them. Good fertility and well packaged
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Well after a full week of laying small brown eggs every day on sunday I went to collect bubbles daily rent and whilst the egg was still small it had a white patch as though not enough pigment in her shell. So decided to research this as been very new to chicken keeping and concluded it's probably due to her being new to laying and she could have been stressed due to very loud bangs from the fireworks on Saturday night. However I've gone out at 7 am this morning before i left for work and found a lovely full brown egg that's double the size she normally lays. Is this due to her just getting in her stride with being young and has anyone else experienced this ????. Bubbles is a ISA warren.
I think because the eggs are in a queue, if something interrupts her laying (fireworks, p.o.l.) they squash up a bit and sometimes one is squashed into another (double yolker or super large egg). They don't get the hard shell until further down the tube.
That is only what I have read on here though, so please feel free to shoot me down!
Glad to hear she is in her stride now xx
Thought she was having day off yesterday as when I went to let them out at there normal 6.30am , there was no egg. However when my son looked a couple of hours later there it was. She must have decided to have lay in, excuse the pun lol

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