anyone in England ?

Help needed
I have 3 warren hens approx 8 month old . When I've gone to close the coop tonight I've notice the tips of their combs are black and a couple of spots on their wattle. I think they may have frost bite. The coop is well ventilated and dry no condensation or frost on the windows. It's opened up around 6.30 befor I leave for work and closed up at 9pm/9.30pm. They go in and out during the day but will stay out in rain. I have a large run that it's roof is half mesh and half covered with tarpoline . What can I do? I'm new to chickens (4 month) and it's my first winter. Any advice is appreciated Thanks in anticipation
There is a whole thread on this issue and loads of arguments as to what is best.
From what I can tell, it doesn't hurt or bother them unless it gets infected.
To possibly stop it happening use vaseline or bag balm, something used on cows udders.
The bag balm seems to be working for most on the thread
Thankyou for you response any suggestion where I can get bag balm from. I've read quite a few of the threads and although it doesn't seem to bother them I still worry as would hate to not do something I should or to prevent it getting worse. First I thought it was because of my inexperience but looks from the thread it's quite a common ailment even amongst experienced chicken keepers
I have ordered it from my wholesaler as I have a small feed shop but I have seen it on ebay.
Any farms near you with cows? If you explain they may sell you a small amount
Thanks. I've ordered off amazon so hopefully it will be here tomorrow. I've got vasaline for today and will start the bag balm when it arrives. Thanks again for you advise.
I know this is completely off-topic, but I needed to post it in a thread frequented by people who live in the UK. I have a Disney Movie Rewards code that I can't use because the Blu-ray is an import from the UK, so the code is valid only for the UK DMR site. If any of you belong to the UK DMR club, please let me know and I will send you the code. If I receive multiple responses, the first one to respond will get the code.

Hi there welcome :) new to this myself :) loving my new girls ( Betty , Agnes , isa ) had them from Xmas day and it's been great they are well settled now and getting the wee treats lol anyway hi from joe & Maz
Wishaw , Scotland

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